Everything's all good until you all read the ongoing Chapters and the novel,.. Then you realized everything is FCKD UP! Not gonna deny, SEME is HOT but how in the world will you fall for someone like that! There are no other words that can express how SHT he is for playing the UKE's Feelings! Like come' on! SEME enjoys dragging the UKE's feelings around; "Push and Pull relationship"!! AS the Manhwa lowkey implied; if the "UKE DIDN'T MARKED THE SEME, he would just run around sleeping with other people"!!! Like damn how many children will he have!? I dont particularly hate this but I'm hoping for an UKE who is "NOT THE TYPICAL UKE"; letting himself get played! Haa I can't stress enough how problematic this is!
-SEME's THRASH! (no questions!)
-SEME's CHEATS 'cause he didn't get to sleep with the UKE
Main point of this is how it was implied that "UKE MARKED the SEME, so he can't smell other omegas pheromones and can't have a child with them. Now realizing he can't get it up unless it's the UKE; obligated to CHASE HIM just for the reason of SATISFYING HIS LIBIDO! So it was all for S*X! (?)
Imagining how the story will go if the UKE didn't marked the SEME, so there's definitely no WAY of these two to have a relationship with each other!
Kiss me, Liar