Romantic Pornography
two dudes who werr dumped at the same time at the same place become broskis and eventually fall in love naturally. one's really horny for his partner and the other is a bit too considerate and wary of his actions towards his lover. the artstyle itself was pretty average but the relationship was passionate and nice.
I'm Getting Conquered by a Beautiful Male Cosplayer
helpful caring last year uni student x crossdresser office worker. they're also fan x cosplayer. minus the painfully dragged out miscommunication the rest was perfect. the respect for the art of cosplaying. the enthusiastic CONSENTUAL sex. the protectiveness of each other <333 I heart them for REAL goddamn. also the story is done but there may be extras translated later
Fuck Buddy for the Bottom Boy
two rent boys (sex workers). the top is cold but has a great dick and technique and the bottom loves sex. both of them are #1 in their company on their respective companies. but fr the sex with the top hits different. they eventually hang out after work too and the bottom slowly realises what love is. and it turns out that the top is a possesive lover and he got into the business just so he would get good at sex in order to be the bottom's type. like damn that's a shit ton of dedication. but thankfully after they start dating both of them quit like decent people in relationships <3 and GODDAMN the sex scenes were hella good and sexy (minus one that was almost rape but they talked it out and made it passionate wooo)
I Need More Than Just Romance
established couple that was distant for a while but they connect more intimately and grow closer in all the ways afterwards very cute wholesome read with COMMUNICATION WE STAN THAT SM and passionate sexy sex :333 and the tougher guy bottoms and the bottom's family accepts their relationship and is wholesome as well it was a really lovely read
Inran Joushi no Private Porno
gay playboy subordinate who gets obsesed with that ass x strict, hardworking, stoic but secretly very horny boss (who's very avoidant attachment) sexing, enemies to sex friends to awkward to lovers pretty good but something just didn't connect with me in this idk ig they had almost no emotional connection and just smacked and that was enough for love ig
Shirouto Dakedo Ari Desu Ka
CUUUUUUTE SEQUEL/SPINOFF OF ANOTHER STORY caring office worker who's a surprisingly good top x traumatised prideful popular av bottom very cute care and RESPECT OF BOUNDARIES
Thy Will Be Done
all-seing god with unmatched sex skills x bratty horny scumbag. guilty pleasure ngll the taming was hot shiii frfr but it's just comedy smut lmao still loved it tho ESPECIALLY the sight of the bottom being fucked out of his mind :3
Sensei Shokushin Shite Kudasai