Head over Heels for the Wizard!
human that transmits magic he doesn't use x shy weak wizard who needs magic. both dream of flying. and since this is yaoi ofc they transfer magic by intimate acts and kissing. it was pretty good until the cousin came along and kept butting into their relationship like broooo go hunt your own crush
Ero Wizard’s Research Journal
monsterfuckery + muscular pure warrior with big manboobies + pretty wizard. reencounter and the wizard's surpressed feelings. and ofc this has to have a rapist obsessive villain that literally comes back from the dead to get in the way :/ only read this for the monsters ngl and those were interesting but man there was so much smut it desensitized me even though that is like the whole point of this webtoon idk man just not worth fully rereading, maybe just checking the monsterfuckery on an extra horny day but otherwise nah
Eki kin Mahou Tsukai Tsuki Ikkodate