Hitsuji ni Narasete itadakimasu
overly trusting horny puppy top x traumatized but horny VR robot sex toy developer who secretly has sex with him. mutual unrequited attraction. hot but still what the researcher did would be inexcusable irl but this is hot and sweet and wholesome enough that it doesn't make me angry or dissapointed lol and they're both hot and cute together so who cares lol read twice now PUPPY TOP SUPREMACY BTWWW HIS CARINGNESS IS SO HOT FASGDFHJFKFLGHDFJSK
Sugar Dog Life
reliable and friendly police officer x short uni student who's an awesome cook. they meet out of concern and become friends to roommates to lovers . bro everything about this manga was so cute from the main leads to the friends and just HAJFLADBRLAFLWL ME AND WHOOOO PLEASSEEEW loved this so much I read this twice and gave it 5 stars both times
Inma-kun wa Oshigoto Dekinai