Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden
Ya know that moment when you want to cry so much because you've finally found a manga that was WORTH YOUR TIME, but there is people around you but you still end up bawling your eyes out cus this manga is a bitch and WANTS to torture you with it's amazing plot line and lovable character's deaths; making people think its because of your mental illness acting up but really, you're just reading about amazing people dying? YEP THATS ME! TT^TT This manga was just too amazing like asdfghjkl. THE CHARACTERS ARE ALL SO LOVABLE (from the priestess to the seven celestial warriors) THAT I JUST CANT!!! Lets start with Takiko..... NOW SHE! DESERVES AN ANIME LIKE BRUH! This may be biased of me, but i think she should've got a chance in the limelight more than stupid Miaka and Yui... She's strong, independent, caring, NOT RETARDED and can fight (practically. should show more tbh) whereas Miaka cant do shit but eat .-. Ive always had an interest for historical Japan and China-like stories so i was generally intrigued by the Fushigi Yuugi plot and storyline to begin with, despite not liking the anime. but THIS manga has definitely made me love it again (more than the anime ever did). What a turn of events it was when we find out she has been diagnosed with Tuberculosis and will die soon. Despite knowinf that, she still did all she could to summon Genbu, knowing she would be used as a sacrifice to Genbu... bascially killing 2 birds with one stone because she dies anyway, JUST FOR THE COUNTRY. thats some hella major respects for her cus she didnt care about herself, nor her love despite her finally being able to be with Uruki; she put others before her. I really like her. On the topic of her lover..... DAYUM URUKI! HE IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN TAMAHOME (no offence. as you can tell from my strong hate for Tamahome. I very much dislike her). He cares about Takiko (not like im saying that Tamahome didnt care bout Miaka) and never left her side (mentally). I really respect him because he lost so many people important to him but still continued to be strong and lover Takiko and nobody else. TOMITE! DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED TT^TT he loved Takiko, i know it. but he never really announced it... I feel bad for her, but thats not why i like him. he's funny yet serious when it comes to the people important to him. he prioritizes people's safety over his own and continues to be a ball of sunshine even after his death TT^TT This manga is bad for my kokoro (heart) i swear :/ I cant wait to read the Byakko arc when it comes out!!! Reread this in 2024. Still holds up so well. Just as impactful as when I read it for the first time many years ago.. but my understanding of everything is so much more now- and now I felt I fully understood and enjoyed it for what it is. Truly an amazing manga. With this manga alone, it has become one of my favourite series' and made me so interested in the Four Symbols.. with how amazing this is, I sometimes am able to forgive how dislikable the main characters of the anime are.... WHICH BRINGS UP THE WAY THAT I STILL BELIEVE GENBU KAIDEN SHOULD BE ADAPTED INTO AN ANIME TOO. MUCH MORE THAN MIAKA'S STORY SHOULD HAVE.
Young Hot Lady From The Village
I love this manhua. And I don't hate the Liu Duo, she's bearable lol. Everyone else is okay, the fourth brother is probably my favourite Shame Ye Yang doesn't get much of a spotlight or else he's probs be my favourite lol....
Entangled with the Duke
Uwaaa I'm so enticed with this story! It's kinda hard to find GOOD webtoons about isekai when most of them are the same, the heroine is a bitch of whatever. But I thoroughly love this manhua: the artstyle is amazing, the heroine is hilarious but strong(?), not weak like most of the other heroines. I mean it might be because she has to put on an act as she is crossdressed as a guy, but even in her previous life she did kickboxing!! I find a strong heroine who isn't useless to be very interesting. I'm loving this!
Flower Boys Hwarang
It's a shame that this story isn't very solid in it's portrayal. Everything seems so extra and added in. Plus I don't particularly like anyone. Shame
Stanning 101
It's messy in places but also very detailed in plot. It's such an interesting concept and the characters are all so lovable... I'm also really happy that they're not dragging out Jiyul's amnesia too much. JUNO FIGHTING
Miss Time
This is so cute!! It can be a bit jumbled at times but I'm glad everything worked out for the best for everyone. I hope Gaon and Jiho continue to thrive because their relationship is so wholesome, plus Jihos mum is so cute!!! And supportive.
Orange (takano Ichigo)