A Fortune-Telling Princess
Characters: Camilla Lila Duke Sephrol Ludville Ravi Arsian Redhead nobody cares about I'm really enjoying the story. They sometimes skip over details or just add random stuff for the moment then forget about it later, but it's genuinely a really good story. I really love Camilla as a heroine because she's not naive. She was a working woman in the acting industry who worked her way up top and endured the hatred in the industry. I think it's nice that she uses her skills from her other life to survive in this world. She's very competent and doesn't like to think she's helping people, but she's very understanding of others. I'm really happy that she's befriended Lila, who is supposed to be the actual heroine, instead of it being a story about them going at eachothers throats. Obviously I like Ludville and Ravi. They're great brothers who don't want to make it obvious that they want to be doted on by Camilla, they're both not very open people in different senses, but they care for Camilla as her brothers. Ravi is someone who constantly has low self esteem, so Camilla always looking out for him just so he doesn't spiral, is so sweet. The most recent incident where he spiraled was after the hunting competition where he wanted to heal Camilla who was hurt, but got pushed away by Arsian, claiming he will heal her quicker and better (obviously he's just in love and wanted to tend to her faster) but Ravi took it as a claim that he's useless and won't be able to save Camilla in time. Camilla doesn't know this detail, but she later tries to calm him by saying he's helped and saved her plenty, and that he's more than capable. That was the only thing that made him stop hauling himself indoors. But that's very wholesome... I like Arsian, who seemed like a real tease and aloof, but secretly likes Camilla a lot. He's always protective of her, but they can act casual around one another. I suppose he will be end-game, which is good (I don't assume she'll and up with Ludville.... cus that would be messy....). And nobody cared for that Redhead from house Javelin. He wants to pretend he's very important, but he's always on the sidelines... he wants to pretend he's still Camilla's interest, and now sorts for her attention because now she isn't giving him any, which is low af. I'm glad Camilla isn't giving him the time of day. His ego is even higher than the two guys who should have the highest ego (Ludville and Arsian), when he's literally so insignificant. THIS IS WHY I DONT LIKE OVERLY NICE GUYS IN MANHUA, CUS THERES ALWAYS SOMETHING WRONG WITH THEM. It's like professor Xavi all over again. Overly nice guys stink. But anyways, a lovely story. Truly a good read. It's a shame that the translating team changed, but it's still very enjoyable.
If You Treat Me Nice, We Can Do It
Short and sweet but also heartbreaking. To have an unrequited love for someone also with an unrequited love for a straight guy. They have something very special and they didn't want to ruin the dynamic, but in turn the two with the unrequited love suffered for 10 years. Ryuji is a sweetie fr. To stand beside Aki for so long, watching him crushing on someone else while you remained a replacement for Keigo. TT_TT I can't well if Aki was feeling body dystopia, or simply wanted to be a woman so that he can become Keigo's lover, but I'm glad Ryuji is there to affirm him no matter what...
One Night Mate
Characters: Woojin Seunghyuk Dawool Eden Bro it took so long to get to the spice. It was so boring at the start but once we got to the grit of everything with Seunghyuk being very conscious about not wanting to be lonely hence has to surround himself just to stop the void in himself, it was a much interesting story. My heart absolutely broke after Woojin was so confident he could fill that void but was self conscious that even if he loves Seunghyuk alot, he still wishes to be loved back even just a little- and he went through the relationship thinking he wasn't loved at all and was like any of his lovers, just there to fill the void THAT BROKE ME. The heartbreak lasted for so long and was exactly what I wanted. Just two misunderstood weirdos that are people pleasers/ scared of being hated. It lasted exactly however long I wanted it to, and resolved in a well manner. It was MHWA. It was definitely boring at the start but I'm glad I stuck around a little longer. I can't say I like the main couple in terms of personalities, but they're pretty cute. Just a guy look Woojin who is ready to love someone wholeheartedly, and a handsome guy that is constantly surrounded but has a huge whole in his heart and will find any way to fill it.. I love the implicated second couple tho.. They're so passive aggressive but they both care about their friends. Both Dawool and Eden have horrible personalities but it's kinda refreshing cus it's not just sickly sweet like Woojin and Seunghyuk's relationship. I would have liked it better if Dawool wasn't older than Eden, but it's fine either way. I guess it's more cute because he seems like a fuckboi with bad manners, but he softens up to a hyung like Dawool lol. They're cute
Work, Fight and Love
Soohan Woo Taeyul Ki Sungjoon Yoon Shihyuk Han The creator of Totally Captivated did it again... a heartwretching story of love so drastic, that if you don't have it, everything falls apart.. I'm kinda sad that Yoon Sungjoon didn't really get a happy ending... he continues to live with a woman that tried to sabotage him, tho she does love him enough to not want him trapped and suffering, while he secretly still loves his male lover.. Tho I don't agree with how he treated Soohan Woo like a naive child who knows nothing, but I guess it worked. They were very cute together, and it's clear from the extra. You kinda question throughout the series whether Sungjoon truly even loved Soohan, but it's later proven that he does, but just has too much riding on the line. Soohan is such a baby.... He has so much trauma from always somehow ending up with straight guys, that when Taeyul Ki rocked up with being mildly homophobic but loving him, he was constantly doubting their relationship and whether it would even last.. but I'm glad Taeyul put aside his own beliefs and loved Soohan well. Kinda mad that Taeyul never brought up that he may have cheated on Soohan (tho he didn't actually sleep with Shihyuk; but he doesn't know that....), just feels like they bypassed that idk.. Taeyul was such a green flag at the start with being so accepting of Soohan, and giving him the love and appreciation he deserves when he had hit such a low... Taeyul managed to pick Soohan back up and shower him with the love that he previously wasted on someone else who didn't appreciate it, and Soohan wanted someone who would openly show affection as did he. But he slowly began to became a slightly tinted green when he locked Soohan up. I know it was to protect him, but they kinda bypassed that he also did that for his previous partner too, unprompted... he clearly has a passed with being a controlling and obsessive boyfriend, and I know it's cute in a manhwa, but it gives a bit of a sour taste in my mouth too that they kinda just said "oop- well he did it cus he wants to protect him", when in actuality it was also because he didn't want Soohan seeing Sungjoon too. He's a murky green flag by the end, but I'm glad they worked out. but either way, it was a cute read. Kinda took a bit long to get to it, but I'm never disappointed when the author is the author of my favourite BL.
His House
It's kinda boring for a Hajin work. Maybe I'm just chasing the high that Totally Captivated left me, but this manhwa was kinda boring. And the twist at the end was kinda off putting even more. The characters are boring and bland, especially Soohyun. His only thing is that he's disabled or he's got something to hide. Gangyoo is more interesting, but even then, the story was still boring. I would have liked to see Gwanyoo and the boss get together, or atleast just more on Gwanyoo's history. The heavy tones of incest but being passed off with "oh we're just halfs" is kinda... eh.. Like you just found out your lover was your uncle, what do you do?? Then Soohyun's half brother tried to fuck him too. DAS CRAZY. If they made him like a step son that was married into the family but was removed from the family after his mother died, then maybe CUS ATLEAST THEY WOULDNT BE RELATED. But no... they very much solidified there's atleast the father who is Gangyoo's actually grandfather that is Soohyun's father.. yikes
My Bias Appeared?!
Binged the absolute heck out this!! All in one go. It's so cute :< and the heartbreak AHHHHHHHH!! it was so good. And the recovery. And the couples. They're so cute. I love Kyusung
Legs That Won't Walk
Kwon Sooyoung Jisung Park Taeseung Minhyuk Yawon It's a kind of bitter sweet story, you're left feeling kind of empty, eventhough the ending is technically a good end. Taesung and Sooyoung end up together and they live happily. I kinda wished there was more about Jisung instead of them just cutting him off. I was hoping he wasn't actually dead and had his death faked so he could have an epic comeback, but nothing.. I like Minhyuk, but only when he's with Sooyoung. He truly treasures Sooyoung, and that's what I love about him, but otherwise, I don't trust beautiful faces, they're always kinda shady. I guess he was a good person???? With bad intentions, but he had a reason for doing what he did, and it's because his sister was basically being held captive by Zhou Yu Long, so he had to work for him, eventhough he secretly had a drug ring under him. I really like Yawon because she's a baddie, but she cares a lot about her people and her friends (Taesung). She's also very cunning and smart. She's my favourite character. I find it weird how they bypassed the first time Sooyoung lost his memory due to impact to the head, but then they tried to execute it again in a better way and actually addressed it, which worked better than the first time. But Sooyoung is kinda... he's kinda a mid character. He was supposed to be this strong guy that stood up for himself, but he gradually became very bland and like any main character who feels the need to seek justice. He just seemed like a dumb Mc who wanted everyone to be happy and get along, which was a big contrast to his strong character at the start... but either way, I'm happy they're happy?
The Time of the Terminally Ill Extra
Karina Mirion Perial Wynston (doctor) Nocturne (Leopold family doctor) Abelia Peri Enrich Count Leopold Reading this manhwa is like a Rollercoaster of emotions. It's so sad to see that Karina lived 20 years being neglected, and her parents don't even have the grace or shame of admitting that they were negligent. Karina has the ability of Creation through her paintings, and creating human life can cause detrimental side effects. Due to her parents neglect, she drew her image of perfect parents who would care for her, comfort and tuck her into bed.. at such a young age, she had to imagine what a perfect life with loving parents would be.. There were indicators of her ability and nobody cared, her parents continued to belittle her abilities even until the end. Through Mirion, she finally experienced the love and kindness that was absent in her life until now, yet it too her final year for her to finally experience something that her parents SHOULD have given to her... why have a child if you don't plan on caring for them and providing them with love and support. They kept claiming they birthed and raised her, gave her food and shelter... but is that not the bare minimum for a child?? If you didn't have the funds or position, it's more lenient, but it's pure negligence... And when your child decides to cut ties, the only thing they could ask is why she's being so childish and selfish? There was no self awareness even until the end... Perial even told Count Leopold beforehand that she is severely ill with an incurable disease, and he had the nerve to ignore that and think she's just throwing a hissyfit over a "little fight". It was never about the little fight. It was an accumulation of many cases of mistreatments that caused her to tip over, yet they couldn't even admit that much. I'm actually so happy that Wynston stood up for Karina.. he was the first to know about her artist disease and he went above and beyond as a doctor. He was considerate of her from the start, but when he cut Nocturne off after finding out that he was the Leopold family doctor but found out he was neglecting his patients based on personal bias and attachment, causing a patient to possibly die without even being aware of it. It brought me joy when he was cut off. I'm so happy that Karina even got a glimpse of happiness even if it may be her last year alive.. she didn't deserve to be ignored the whole of her life. I know her siblings didn't do anything to her really, but I understand how Karina also felt indifferent towards them. She disliked that her younger siblings always took importance over her even in moments when she needed her parents the most- she didn't hate her younger siblings, but envied that they got the love she couldn't, eventhough she was also very ill... And I could understand why she hated Enrich for him turning a blind eye to everything but pretending to know- sometimes that's the worst.. when they pretend to know how you feel, and end up trivializing it even if it may not have been the intention. It's sad either way. Karina is so strong. I admire her a lot. She kept all her pain inside because she was afraid of voicing it because of the past. She simply was ready to embrace her end, but wanted to (for once) experience a life which wasn't dictated by her parents even until the end. I find that's very admirable. I'm happy that she met Mirion who is accepting of her and loves her unconditionally and isn't afraid to SHOW her that he loves her. She needed someone like that. And having Perial and Wynston with her to boot, warms my heart. I will literally break down in tears if it's a sad end.. like if she dies but atleast was happy in the end, I'll atleast accept it. I guess. But I want her to be happy
The Third Ending