Bloody Taboo
What the heckity heck... A VAMPIRE THAT TURNS INTO A HAMSTER
My Ex, Client
OH MY FRICKEN GOD. I LOVED THIS MANGA SO MUCH. I started today and finished it in one day, I literally couldn't put my phone down. I was so hooked on this story and the characters. I loved the heroine so much, she was strong willed and knew what she wanted and how to achieve it; I mean she was a bit questionable at some points but I still love her. The protag is meh, he's cute (personality wise) and he can be a bit overbearing but I loved him none the less. They suit eachother every well haha. SUNGCHAE OMG (you're so precious and left such a good impression that I remembered your name lol) I LOVE YOU SO FRICKEN MUCH.. you loved the heroine and was fine with just being by her side, you saw her hurting and continues to stay by her side... eventhough you got rejected, and even if the heroine found out that you loved her even before you told her, she wasn't disgusted and you didn't run away. I love you (AND CUS YOU HADSOME AS FOOK). THE BROTHER IS DAAAAAMNED AS FUCKKK. LIKE "BITCH FUCK ME UUUUUP (Shane Dawson voice)". He was so caring, so threatening looking but so soft and smol. I would literally hug him if I could (but you'd be towering over me lol). The other girl was okay, I didn't particularly HATE her just found her a bit hard to deal with because of her stubbornness, but I didn't hate her. She had her cute moments (especially with the brother OOF). I just loved this manhua for so many reasons. BE SURE TO COME BACK AND REREAD THIS ONE DAY !!!
Haomen Qifu de Chuntian
ExCuSe Me?!? KANNST DU NICHT? All the of the people in this manhua are fucktards, they're all little shits. The only person I liked was the ex-boyfriend cus he was ATLEAST loyal and kind enough before Kate broke up with him just cus she felt "tainted" .-. I deathly hate the sister cus all she cares about is herself and is in constant denial/blames it on the sister for things that SHE did wrong. The thing about Tann raping Kate after she set it up? THAT'S KATE'S FAULT. Having a baby with Tann because of HER plan? Totally Kate's fault. The father dying because she stressed him out too much minutes before he was ready to die? Kate's fault. What the heck kind of lunatic land are you in. BITCH grow up, if I was Kate you bet I would have WOOPED your ass by now. And don't get me started on Kate.... There is only so much that I can take of a weak and defenceless character, some can be seen as cute but in her case, she was HELLA NAIVE AND IGNORANT. LIKE HOW FORGIVING CAN YOU BE OF A SISTER WHO HAS CLEARLY HATED YOU FOR GOD KNOWS HOW LONG? GOD. even I wouldn't want to help you.... LIKE seriously, I know you were tricked and your sister had you in the palm of your hands, but god. Why would you fricken give your new born to such a bitch!!! GAHHH
Fushigi Neko No Kyuu-chan
Red Honey
Im loving this manhua. The characters are so intriguing and lovable, Espcially the knight. He cares about Hwanhee so much and is willing to do anything for her because he loves her, not because it is his job to He's also v cool. Speaking of cool.... HWANHEE, YOU'RE SO FREAKING AMAZING! YOU'RE FUCKING HILARIOUS AND TRUE TO YOUR WORDS, YOU ARENT A BACKSTABBING BITCH LIKE AS YOUNG UGHHH I HATE PEOPLE LIKE THAT.... anyway, I love you as a heroine TT^TT
Rain Shower
Aww that's cute... it nearly made me cry to think that he was gonna disappear for who knows how long again geezus.... but it ended nicely and everything was explained, just a bit rushed that's all. But it was cute and I enjoyed this short read
Walk on Water
Last Paradise