Tied Up In Twins
This was such an amazing manhua. I got a bit confused when they suddenly announced that Woojung had a twin and That's who Jinwoo was hooking up with (Sarang) I'm so happy they actually started dating tho CUS WE KNOW THAT WOOJUNG IS GONNA BE A LITTLE BITCH ANOUT IT CUS SEOHEE IS TELLING HIM TO DO SHIT LIKE AN ACTUAL SELFISH BITCH WHO DOESN'T CARE ABOUT THE FACE THAT WOOJUNG LIKES HER.. UGHHHH!! I came back to reread it. I still don't like Seohee, because she's so selfish and took advantage of Woojung to get to Jinwoo, without any care towards Woojung. I'm glad we never hear anything of her after that. And I understand Woojung loves her, but to be such a pushover for her and helping her get with her crush, with no regards to his own feelings?? He says when she's happy, he's happy but does anyone like being taken advantage of by their crush?? Sarang is so cute. He's straightforward and is honest. He doesn't try to hide things from Jinwoo because he knows how it feels when a loved one keeps something from you. Sadly Jinwoo took so long to understand that keeping something from Sarang is never good and only hurts him more.. but glad it all worked out for them
I Fell in Love with My Sister's Boyfriend
Well that was a plot twist. The woman is a psycho ._. Either she's jealous of her own brother cus she knows they like eachother, or she's just using Zi Nan so the boyfriend stays around so she can gain fame. They're both possible and I think they're both plausible :/ I like the Uke XD He's cute and I don't want him to be heartbroken due to his own sister and first love TT^TT
Not a Sugar Daddy
These people piss me off. Stop fucking creating shit when you don't fucking know what's up ._. I hate those people that just assume. That bitch is on my fricken list for being.... basically a bitch
What's Wrong with Secretary Kim?
I think this manhua is amazing. The heroine (Miso) is top-notch: funny, intelligent, pretty and quick at catching onto things. She easily picked up on the bullshit that the brother was probably spouting unlike some characters that just skim right past it Yungjoon is narcissistic but he can be nice too... he's just a bit full of himself which makes it hilarious when they kissed and he just pushed her chair away, I was gonna cry because I thought SHE was gonna cry and run out, but the outcome was hilarious I love this so fucking much. And I wish that Miso solves this mystery and calls out on the brother's bullshit quickly. I mean, maybe he just got his memories mixed up with Yungjoon's, that's plausible. But I highly doubt it :/ Edit: (Finished) I am thoroughly impressed by this series, everything was top-notch from amazing plot, characters, art and the general romance-comedy genre. This manhua has come a long way and I'm glad I was there to experience it's greatness. My views on Yungjoon has changed drastically, I love him alot after finding out about his troubles and how he pretended to be a narcissistic fuck just to cover up his past... His past is so sad, but because of it he managed to meet Miso, so I guess it isn't such a bad thing. Miso is just amazing. As I've previously said, she is strong and level headed, beautiful and fair, loyal but also funny, I love her XD
Why do I feel like everytime You Jin and Se-oh stops fighting, they start another argument right After? AND I KNEW THAT NERDY GUY WAS SECRETLY A HOTTIE!! I TOTALLY CALLED IT!! I was literally fangirling thought out the whole of this manhua :0 so cute... and hot lmao
Here U Are
YuYang LiHuan Chu HuanWen (Friend) Lin Xiang (crush) JiYuan (Chu HuanWen's interest) This is so cute. I procrastinated reading this cus it wasn't SAUCY enough for me lmao. But then I fell in love with the characters and their plot. YUYANG IS HELLA COOL!! LIKE ON TOP OF BEING HOT, CONSIDERATE, SOMEWHAT SCARY AND GREAT FIGHTER, I just love him... LiHuan is also such a bean XD it's like they have the totally opposite personalities considering their appearances. But I like LiHuan because he has that calm and coolness that makes you feel reassured. He would also protect you. And that's cute XD I really hope they end up together and YuYang ends up liking LiHuan back... Ahhhhh after so many years, I've fully come back to reread it. My heart feels so full and warm. I'm so happy there's so many people in Yu Yang's life that he didn't know he had. He distanced himself because he was gay, or he used that as an excuse to not get too close to people, but I'm glad he has so many friends that just accept him as he is. I know Chu Huan Wen is constantly deemed as Yu Yang's bestfriend, but even his roommates were so sweet and understanding... they accepted him as soon as they saw him, and didn't care too much about his sexual orientation. The side stories were amazing.. I thoroughly sobbed through it all. It's so heartwarming. I love all the characters. I'm happy that Wang Wang and Xiao Yi ended up getting married and pregnant, but overall, I can't say I like Wang Wang.. she's a clear fetishizer of gays. Which I was also guilty of, but I can see it's so fucking weird to try and pair people together by doing literally too much, and butting in. But I guess she made it work?? But she just seemed a bit too nosy. Overall I'm so happy for them all
Jazz for two