Blue_psycho312's manga / #Incest??(1)

A Paramour

Complete | Brothers without a tomorrow | 2000 released

THIS IS ONE OF THE CUTEST YAOIS I HAVE EVER SEEN!! MEILI IS SO CUTE AND INNOCENT BUT CAN GET EVEN MORE CUTE WHEN JEALOUS AND IT'S JUST GAHHHH. And Tian Hu is so sweet and protective of Meili. Idk if it's cus he feels guilty, leading him to feel the need to stay with Meili or what, but they're so cute together. AND YOU KNOW WHAT, I'M ALSO STARTING TO LIKE ANEMONE TOO, SHE'S LITERALLY SO NICE AND SHE SUITS HER BOYFRIEND SO WELL. She legit wants to PROTECT him and even went through the hassle of marrying a guy she doesn't like to protect him. Plus, she is so understanding of Tian Hu and Meili's situation and isn't being homophobic like the childhood friend, who I'm guessing is very much homophobic considering what she said in chapter 46 .-. Anyway I'm obsessed with this manhwa