ch1. 1 vargoth (I assume that's his name) REMEMBERS THE BOTTOM ch3 jdjdjd vargoth like doing a hand job for the dildo ch5 arte is so in love w eunwoo,, JDJDJD EUNWOO AND THE SLIMEE ch6 djdbdjd arte saving eunwoo from the slime,, btw the slime touched eunwoo dick and ass lol cute.,, arte is spending the night ch7 they ended up sleeping tgt xjdj,, arte hugging eunwoo after he fell asleep djdjjd and he said goodnight,, JFJDJSJ LEO IS UP TO STH I ch8 JDJDJD LEO CUFFED EUNWOO UP AND THEN PUT THE CREAM ON HIM THEN EUNWOO GOT HARD FJNFJDNFJDNDND AND THEN LEO SORTA GAVE HIM A HANDJOB AND NOW ARTE FOUDN EUNWOO STILL HARD SHHHSS ch11 JFJDNJDJD EUNWOO ACCIDENTALLY SYAING HE THOUGHT ARTE WAS GONNA KISS HIM AND THEN HIM SAYING THST HE'S OK W IT ONLY BC IT'S ARTE AND THEN ARTE KISSING HIM ️ ch32 arte blushing xhdjjdjd THEYRE GONNA GO ON A DATEEE ch33 JDJDJD ARTE SAYING HE THINKS OF LOCKING EUNWOO UP EVERYDAY DJJDNDJS,, THEYRE GONNA DO IT IN THE BATHROOM ch35 "ill prove it to you tonight. so brace yourself" JFJDNJDJD JDJDJDJD,, ALSO ARTE ISN'T BSLE TO TAKE Spice ch36 LIDEL TRYING TO LIKE TALL AB EUJNWOO AND THEN ARTE BEING MAD JCJDJD,, LMAOO SO LEO TRIES SEDUCING OTHERS FOR STUFF HE WANTS LMAOO,, NXJSNS LIDEL ASKED EUNWOO TO ACT CUTE AND JCNDJDNXJC ch37 JDJDJD ARTE BEING JEALOUS OF A MF TENTACLE LMAOOO,, HOT SEX ch39 so eunwoo knows ab their past now and he called arte "Arte hyung" AND ART SAID HE GOT TURNED ON CJDNDJNDJF,, ARTE SYAING HELL ENEVR LEAVE EUNWOO AND HUGGING HIM FJDJ ch39 I think sth happened btwn jisu and Leo ,, also karon was so cute,, oh and eunwoo looks so good in his uniform rn and he matches w arte so well ch40 NXJSNSJS arte's past. karon was a bitch lol ch41 dnjdjdjd leo actually likes lidel dkdjjdjd,, leo carrying lidel tho?? ch54 haral and Leo doing it fjdd ch55 pls give haral a chance ch56 haral protecting leo nkdndjd,,, I think they're ab to do it again,, LEO STILL LOOKS SONGOOD ch57 they did it again and haral holding Leo's face infront of him so he could see his face while he came,, CUTE AND AND LEO LOOKS SO PRETTY?? AND AT THE END HARAL WAS LYING ON TOP OF LEO XKNSJS ch58 Leo was thinking of someone else while they were doing it...? ch59 they got married,, "I'm sorry I can't be with you" Leo :( ch60 HARSL REJECTED THE VAMPIRE FIANCEE AND HE RLY CSMR AND SAID TH EONE HE LIKED WAS LEO JDJDJDJD SO CUTE ch61 LEO BEING CUTE AF,,, THEY DID YI AGAIN AND LEO RLY I DIRECTLY SAID HE PLANS ON DATING HARAL. SO CUTE THEY GOTH BKUSHED6
Vargoth's Magical Toys