Dragon Making Love
Super duper hilarious..especially the extra chapter when he went to get rice cake.
Soushikikan to Watashi no Jijou
Omg. This is too funny. The brother is really amazingly persistent hilarious.
Suddenly Became a Princess One Day
Omg.omg.omg.omg.. it so good that I cried, laugh and got angried at this manga. It.soooooooop good..I.wanna know the ending though. Edit: IT ENDDDDDD..OMGOMGOMG!!! after so long.. it soooooo awesome and cool and sad and touching!! FINALLY an ending that doesn't need to show FL need to be married and can stay with her dad. I mean, definitely they need more father daughter bonding since she didn't get that much during baby and young time...
No Love Zone Webtoon
The side story is sooooooooo damn adorable. Omg. They really suit one another.
Adventures of an Undead Who Became Paladin
He such a cute little lich. I am so proud of him saving a kid even though that kid has no relation with him. I'm so proud at him trying his very best to be rightful, justice, at the same time innocent.. this is really a damn good story about morality, righteousness, equality and more important true to yourself.
The Reincarnation Magician Of The Inferior Eyes
I totally enjoy this. Like super enjoyed reading this. Not only he gain lover, he even gain weird hilarious people along the way. Best part is, his mindset and how he thinks... all his reaction can be said as comedy.
I Will Change The Genre
This is what you call expectation vs reality
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