Penguin Revolution
I dropped this cause I got bored, not because it was bad necessarily. It's just too old school for my tastes
Chiku Bingo
lol like I enjoyed this way too much
Jishou Akuyaku Reijou na Konyakusha no Kansatsu Kiroku
it's okay, pretty original as far as isekai stories go. the twist with the female lead trying to be the villain, and revealing it very early on, is definitely very different. reading from the male lead's perspective is also quite fun, though I'd prefer if there was a balance between his and her persepctive. I enjoy the story enough to give it a nice review, but not enough to consider reading it long term. two stars for its uniqueness, just slightly above average. edit: bumping up the rating to 4 stars. as of ch10, i'm thoroughly enjoy the male lead's personality!
Buddy Go!