Walk on Water
It's really hard to rate this so let me start with the obvious and straightforward parts 1 it's fucking gorgeous. Everone is buff and handsome and damn I have never seen this many daddies in one story. 2 it's really really fucking hot. The smut is 10/10 the dirty talk is the best I've ever read in anything I had to stop reading every 3 minutes cos this gave me butterflies bruh that's perfection. 3 the plot, this is where it gets difficult. It's original and I loved that it didn't glorify the sex industry but there were some parts that I felt were too much or rushed. I started reading this thinking it would be something light I was wrong it's absolutely not, it is worth reading tho just prepare your hearts. The first maybe 20 or 30 chapters trick you into thinking that everything will be okay and then I just started to feel super uneasy cos I knew something was coming. And then it happened and it was soooooo much worse than I expected. I honestly thought there was no way to make it right but I'm sort of glad it had a happy ending because it makes reading about this very heavy topic easier I think. Tbh I could write a 50 page essay on this manhwa because I have waaaay too many thoughts on it but this comment is already waaay too long so I'll just say that it gets 5/5 from me because it makes you think. This is a topic that we should talk about and something that needs changing irl and while there are a few things I really didn't like in the story it still manages to show the hardships of sex work. Also it's really fucking hot.
Body Complex
Ooooooookay so I think Minwo needs a round on the breaking wheel. I don't really know how to feel about this story it left a lot of different emotions in me. Also 99% of the characters are worse than trash tbh but I do like darker stories although I wish it was more fleshed out and that we learned more about Jaehyun and Seojin. Also I think there should've been a few more episodes about their relationship cos it felt a bit empty to me. Aaaaaaanyway it was interesting so it gets a 4.
Soshite Mata Kiss wo Shite
Ahhhhhhhh people are trash. I really hope ignorant people either educate themselves or learn to mind their own fucking business. Also you can be gay and homophobic and that doesn't give you the right to hurt ppl. I love Koga so much he's an amazing person. He's honest he communicates with his partner he's brave hell yeah we need more of him. Props to uke for facing his fears as well. Tbh I really liked this story and I'm surprised it's got such a low rating.
Nakanai Hibari
I have mixed feelings. The premise in short is big bro dies and his best friend becomes the guardian of lil bro and they fall in love. There are parts of this that feel a bit taboo but it's also pretty wholesome at times. The things the characters struggle with are legitimate concerns instead of stupid misunderstandings. There are a few things I wish we knew or I wish were different (like the age thing) because it makes me feel conflicted. Even though he's 18 I feel like big age gaps still matter when you're young. It's not bad at all this is just me being picky.
Twilight (Nishimoto)
I'm conflicted about this one. The beginning is adorable and then it takes a pretty dark turn and gets hella toxic and then it's kinda wholesome again. I honestly don't know how to rate it because it was meant to be like that so I can't fault it for getting a bit dark but to me after that the smut felt out of place idk might just be me. Anyway I recommend reading it once it gets a 3/5 it's decent but also a lil depressing, the story is pretty nice so if you like a lil pain and suffering in ur ships then u'll probably like it more than I did.
Crash Into Me
I'm in love with this it is quite dark so if you don't do well with topics like rape and mental and physical abuse then I wouldn't recommend it but I do think it's a good read. There are a few parts where I thought the seme was a bit much and hurting hyung is def not okay so I think there were two sex scenes that didn't feel right to me but other than that I love the relationship. I hope jihun rots in hell for eternity though he's the worst kind of trash. I know this never happens in yaoi so this is my wishful thinking but I would've really liked to hear/see hyung get help from a psychologist cos poor baby went through so much and none of it was his fault. I still really liked the story and they have soooooo much chemistry their sex scenes are really fucking hot as well and I really like their wholesome moments where they genuinely care for each other️ also the art is really pretty
Zetsubou ni Nake
️️️ Read the tags bitches because I did not and now I really fucking regret it I was not prepared. That rape was really graphic and I think Akamine deserved everything he got but at the same time it felt like the person we got to know seemed just like a normal person suffering and I'd catch myself feeling bad for him and then I'd get reminded that he is actually horrible and disgusting and deserves this. I'm not quite sure how to feel about any of this story my head is just a mess because the revenge part isn't really a feel good thing either. It's not satisfying it's just painful and messy. It's interesting so if you want to read something dark then here but prepare yourself because the art is super well done which makes the story a lot harder to read.
My Dear Agent
Ahshdhsjhdhsjsjdhdjjd fucking adorable 10000000/10 it's not smutty so don't expect that but it is very funny and super wholesome
Koko made Yaru towa Kiitenai!
Okay so yes this is a comedy and it's really fucking funny in some places but also it gets really dark in the middle like and I was not prepared lol anyway its a really cute story tho idk why its rating is so low. It is a little annoying how the uke always needs to be saved but overall it's a really good story
Good day to go crazy