Kinpeibai Kinden Honoo no Kuchizuke
A guy born from a prostitute meets a stupid but strong guy. Then he is taken by some noble to be a whore. Then after 5 years his time is out and he is about to be executed. Some other noble lets him go. He's taken in by some farmer, brother of the stupid soldier. Then comes the noble and kills the farmer and takes the whore with him. The soldier rages and attacks the mansion of the dying noble, and takes the whore with him.
Sono Yubi No Tadoru Kizu
First story is about ice skating, resembles yuri on ice. Then a regular fuck boi in an office who falls in love with a streets musician. Then Kariya the butler anf Louis sama who is his lored. He played with him since he wasa kid. And then two boys, one has asthma.
Stigmata - Seikon Sousa
A guy who can feel the murder on his body. Bleeding, last thoughts, last sights. He can vision all of these.
No.99: Ningen Omocha
Bamford Koushakuke No Shitsuji
The butler from the previous story, having an affair with a new servant. Some twincest from a circus. Fragments from the story of the master of the castle and his toy lover.
Sadistic Boy
A guy fron school is being molested. Turns out he's a sadist. He makes a relationship with that tall longhaired blond guy. They end up together with his uncle who is actually vanilla.
Nibiiro no Hana Gou
Two big brothers raping their little brother. They are bound to love their family members romantically because of tgeir bloodline.
Neo Arcadia - Yami Ni Saku Niji
Natsu, Kimi ga Saku
A lot of stories about florists and flowers.
Ryoshuu Reijin