Darenimo Iwanaide
F 100823 Kaichi is like a badly done demi/ace. Hated how homophobic this was tho
Faded First Love
S 150822 F 170822 F 081023 Tags: Shoujo, Romance Cute and sweet story.
Kowagaranai de, Soba ni Ite
RR 181023 Tiktok rec, came here to realize i had already read it. Wasn't good, but i just don't like most memory loss stories anyways. Hate the "having a family is the future everyone has/wants to have and im taking that from you" narrative, it's so stupid and just a complete demonstration of how little this 2 characters actually talk to each other.
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
S 010124 F 040123 One of the best written stories ever. It's always amazing to be able to read a whole life's story and on top of that, one about the arts. I was drawn in from the start to the very end, and even cried a bit when i finished it.
Mine-kun is Asexual