Circle (Wang Zi Ying)
S 011117 F* 201217 +150418
J no Subete
F 120722 I have so many thoughts about this... Like, I really love Nakamura-sensei as an amazing author and artist, as someone extremely talented and capable of conveying the most complex feelings in such seamless ways with such limited mediums, but like... please, sensei, fucking learn about the people you're trying to portray T.T I know this was made in 2004, and is probably 3/4 the fault of the translators, but just having everyone treat J as a man, even though she said so many times she was (felt at least) like a woman, that just hurts and really bad. She really deserved better, to have the only person who actually treats you right be your child is so sad, not even her "husband" sees her as a woman. And then have Rita also treat her like a man, even though she was probably the one who taught Jean about J being a woman... like, she's shown to look like she actually understands J, idk, seems wrong to me. And to finish, gosh, Nakamura's work's are way too triggering, that they're actually upsetting. Idk how the story could've been better handled, but showing in full detail almost every rape scene is horrendous and extremely concerning.
Smells Like Green Spirit