BJ alex
Started: 15.05.2019 and I finished in 2020. Reread in one day: 19.06.2021. It was a 5/5, it stays a 5/5. I absolutely love this Webtoon. From the plot to the characters to the art, this is what I'd call perfection. There's backstory but not too much, there's some character development and feelings that don't ever feel too rushed. I love it so much I don't know where to start. The main characters clearly go through some drama but it's not too serious while also not being too lighthearted, I especially loved the Coming Out chapters. While many Webtoons have super deep backstories, they weren't so important here but I also love not seeing some rich families intervene all the time so that didn't matter at all. The sidestory about MD and Chanwoo was part of this manga but also a complete thing on its own, amazing! I really like the way they portrayed the bdsm scene, especially including one of them using their safeword was so strong in that scene. I wish Chanwoo would've had an even deeper conversation with MD about their feelings there but as it was, it was already great. Talking about the cuteness of this, there's surely more towards the end than at the beginning, I'd say starting from around chapter 70 or something. The main protagonists are not your typical "3 chapters and they're in love" type of guys, it's pretty unrequired at the beginning. What else is there to say? The art for the sex scenes was amazing, I have several bookmarks which I will put in the comment in my "hot" list but to name a few: Chapter 21, 33, 66,... and btw, some parts of this were colored! Though that didn't matter much to me personally, I really like the monochrome color scheme as it is.
Ayashi no Hakoniwa ni Ukabu Tsuki
From a 5/5 (2019) to a 3/5 (2021), I do think that the concept of such a school is interesting but overall the plot was too short. I would've loved to see more about the world setting, family situation, their pasts, their sex scenes and such. You could call this a long-ish Oneshot. What we see from the plot seems kind of rushed and it might be confusing, or maybe it's just me and my lack of sleep, I can't tell. Overall the art was and concept were nice though so this is a good 5.5/10.
Back to School
4/5 -> 3/5, ohh I've finally reached the stories that I've finished in 2020, nice. This one was also not as bad as I thought. The story wasn't particularly super interesting or super beautifully drawn or something but overall the plot line did make sense. I like that Jihun did have some sort of character development towards the end though I would've loved to see more of it. And honestly,, I do not like Kyujin as a character too much, he just seemed too pushy and hence kind of annoying. So yeah. It wasn't bad, just not my taste.
Here U Are
Really great. First Li Huan is cold and distant (and in the closet) but Yu Yang manages to open him up with his fun personality. I love them, I wish I had a friend like Yu Yang. I really enjoy reading this a lot. -finishes 20.05. 2020-
I'm No Match For Him
Previously a 4/5 but now I'd give it a solid 5/10 which translates to a 2.5/5 aka 3 stars in this case because I finished reading this in like an hour and I don't feel like I wasted my time! Personally, I'm not really into the teacher x student thing but for what it is, it wasn't that bad. About the beginning I must say that I really don't like the way it started between them? Idk, that just wasn't it to me but if we forget about their start, generally speaking, the smut throughout this manga is pretty nice and their relationship does have something to it. Not a lot, but something. The student was coming to conclusions way too fast and especially the first 30ish chapters that and his jealousy were pretty annoying. Speaking of the teacher though, he seems like a genuinely nice guy if we ignore that he has a problem considering their age gap and that we are not sure what age the student is. Plus he seems constantly horny but oh well. Can't change that. I know this all doesn't sound too positive but even though there wasn't a lot of active romance between them I think their relationship and interactions were pretty adorable which was nice. The story definitely has some potential that could've been used better but overall it wasn't tooo bland. Just a little.
Torokeru Kami-kon
Previously a 4/5 but not I'd rather give a 2/5. It wasn't horrible but I also just really didn't enjoy this. It's more like a 3/10 to be precise. Neither the plot nor the characters really got me.
Seishun Kinema