Bongchon Bride
FUCKING BEAUTIFUL.. THE STORY IS JUST.. BEAUTIFUL.. Chp41 Fck it... Its still as beautiful as i rmember it.. Wth.. Ughh... Soooo.. Cuteee.... Grrrr.... Chp60 Bongchon is fcking precious
This writer is friggin AWESOME!this is a MASTERPIECE.. action, comedy, tugging my heartstring moment.. They have it all... my fav? That the 2 cool kids that are promising awakened did not train themselves to join a group.. But simply for themselves.. Idk of other story has this similarity.. But if it does then its quite uncommon (to me).. Which i LOVE.. i mean those story are good too.. But since those were common to me so this feels like a breathe of fresh air Lol.. Inhyuk is really helping jiwoo's cat food budget Chp 9-10 Kaiden went poo poo Chp14 Kaiden 1st safe jiwoo Chp18 Subarashii Chp61 Jisuk trololol one of shinwa's member's dad for making jiwoo cry Chp 67 Clogged toilet Chp80 Handfart Chp89 Meow Meow b* Chp96 Here comes daddy Chp123 Kids knew bout kayden Chp124 2 psychos siblings Chp135 Kayden vs baekdu Chp137 Curtin Chp138 Curtin and kayden Chp141 Curtin the cat Chp236 Jiwoo fought them off all on his own.. Great achievement bby.. Huhu.. Daddy still came to fnish them off for good ☠️☠️☠️ cz jiwoo not the kind that takes life away.. *insert stomach relieve meme* Chp246 So fat so skinny joke Chp254 Jiwoo is kayden no1 fan.. The pres of kayden fan club.. Kayden's pabo
Foggy Pancake - My Hero Academia dj
This killed me.. I cried.. But i was happy too.. This is precious.. The people who did this is precious..
I Have To Be A Great Villain
Chp 96 Slime to humanlike form
Another Typical Fantasy Romance
️️️️️️️️GYAHHHH!!!! ️️️️️️️️️️️
Love So Pure
Been waiting for daeshik n yosef story.. Kyaa.. Its starting... Like... I like the main couple.. But daeshik n yosef gives this funny, idiot, sweet n smoking hot kinda vibe.. Which is jz.. Gyaaaaah~~i love it Idc.. They are officially family already.. Daeshik existence is a great influence to this siblings.. He is officially yohan BIL and yosef baby hubby.. My fav convo Yosef: isn't it hard for u? Daeshik: oh, u mean if i'm hard hearing ur voice.. Well kinda ............. Daeshik: yosef, i... I'm fully erect now, wna see~ Chp54 Finally get to see daeshik in that jamie.. Soooo cute... Omg.. That jamie was made for him! ️️️ Chp57 Someone.. Save yosef.. I want them to be able to be together without harm.. Chp60 Yosefffff Chp63 Daeshik i was seriously crying n worried there.. But go wild me boy, love seeing u doing ur thing jz fine over there ️ Chp78 Fuck! I'm not cryin'... You are!!!! DAMMIT!!! Chp104 Author/artist just hve to make everyone fwiggin adorable n lovable babies... Sooooo cute!! Chp107 ️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️
How to Be a Dark Hero’s Daughter
I just love and adore the moments they call her, baby..... Ughh.. I wish they would always do so.. Till the end of time... Cuteeeeeeeeee!!
Hana No Miyako De