Bokura Ga Tsugai Ni Naru Made
Not a fan of the fact they're a pair first and THEN the omega slowly (emphasize on slowly) falls for the alpha. It's like my feelings for already developed couples. And while I like my stubborn borderline Tsundere ukes, this one just kinda rubs me the wrong way.
Nise x Koi Boyfriend
Didn't finish. yeahhhhh this is def not my style... art and story is waaaaay to fluffy. REREAD: YEAHHH JK. It's the fluffy but fucked up type. CHapter 4 is a pedo seme (guilty pleasure honestly) and chapter 5: insecure inferiority complex uke and manipulative yandere seme = FUCK YES.
19 Days
OH MY GOD THIS IS SO GREAT. It's so refreshing because this really focuses on developing the relationships and friendships. The main couple have so believable chemistry and a solid friendship that the route their relationship is going makes so much sense. I feel so much for the main couple but the second particsulry the black haired guy... my god are they sexy. I love how much of a tease everything and everyone is in this but that's what makes the chemistry so great. This is such a thrill to read because it's really funny, really sad, and really hot (even though nothings happened yet). Everyone from the main characters to the background characters (ie the girls which by the way are fucking hilarious) is fucking fantastic. I absolutely love the slapstick element in this because it really helps show just how trivial and relatable their characters daily relationship is. I love how day to day the main couple have such a bro relationship but at the end of the day both are willing to do anything for the other. 15 OUT OF 10. INSTANT REREAD AND FAVORITE.
Zutto Kitto
Awww. As much as it pains me that the uke kept getting hurt by the semes careless words and the seme being such a blinding idiot, it's realistic. The seme didn't realize his or the ukes feelings and now is filled with regret. The fact that he is now trying to make it up in his own way is extremely romantic. I can't wait for more! Vol 3: クソオオオオオオオオオオ GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE FUCKING DAMAGED OR LONELY OR SHIT BUT GET YOUR FUCKING SHIT TOGETHER. GODDDDDDDDDDDDDD.
Kiyona Yubisaki, Bukiyona Tsumasaki
shit I need more like NOW.
Houkago Hachimitsu
Oh mah God he's too adorable!
Soredemo tsuyoku, daitekure.