Houyou Jikken
A Paramour
Drama over drama : one is not even finished another one is added. There's no rest at all for the reader. I got tired around chap 90. Glad I dropped it. Came back to read the last 7chapters. It was all still drama with a fast happy together ending. Disappointing.
Hanagara Tsumi
Too bad. It could have been really good and I love the art. But the pacing is all over the place. We jump from one scene to another with no real connections. Seems like the two lives together in the end but I'm not really sure. Feels like the author gave us a summary of what she was supposed to do. Weird feeling. It had a lot of potential.
I was really great... As an anime. As for the comic's version... It felt empty. The art is beautiful, it followed the anile but I think they should have taken this opportunity to develop the story (which, I suppose, they couldn't in the anime). Too bad, but I still like it.
Kabeana Money Hole