Cry for me
I wanted to read it again once it was completed, but ugh 170 chapters? No thanks. I remember my first comment was "not great nor bad", so I won't even give it this much of my time. 170 chapter is way too long seriously, most of the time webtoons with this much chapter end up boring, too dramatic over nothing, or so slow paced you feel like reading nothing. Dropped.
It's My Baby!
Boring. It took like 20 chapters for the story to really start. Before that, it was just empty chapters with no progress, no interest, no character development, just stupidity from both parties. And even after that, it was meh. The vlogger rapist came out of nowhere, the fact he hide his child was ridiculous, and I won't even try to read the story about the brother. Dropped at chapter 38.
Love So Pure
There's a limite to the number of chapter I accept for a manwha as basic as this one. 99chapters is my limit so I'm dropping this.
Can't get Caught! XXX
Chap 15. It's too boring, I can't even finish it even though it's short.
Portrait of a Bad Guy
Dropped at chap 7. They all look annoying, it looks like there will be a lot of drama, doesn't seem worth my time.
How to Train a Good-for-Nothing Rich Boy
It really is an annoying good -for-nothing spoiled brat. I'm already at chapter 21 and he still has no character development. It's just sex, and his annoying behaviour. So weither it's going to be a 100+ chapters until he changes a bit, or he stays a spoilt brat or it'll just be rushed. Either way, I'm out.
I Want to Be Your First Love
I find it a bit childish. Like something a 12yo girl would write. Not my cup of tea.
Boy meets Girl
Not for me. Wanted to try to judge by myself. But not only does it have the usual psycho/rape trope, now I don't even know if I'm reading BL or some cheap hentai. If it were a story with a trans person as a plot, I'd read it with pleasure. But people saying the comment are transphobia because others doesn't like it, sorry but no. He was forced to take a pill, then magically got a vagina, he still refers as himself as a man while the seme made him "a girl", and now at chap 11 it's like the uke forgot he got a vagina but remember in the beginning he had sex only because he wanted to get his dick back. Wether I don't really understand what trans is, or you don't understand.
Easy to Notice
I find this relationship toxic. I can't imagine a happy forever ending for them. They'd both end up hurting each other. Leehak is too obsessed with Kyowoo (don't remember how to spell his name) et Kyowoo's way of loving doesn't seem right either.
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