Unique, beautiful <3
Orange - sensitive coward (got a knife - and used it oAo; ) (now given rope by Purple to maybe kill himself because he's weak-willed x_x)
Red - diligent narcissist/egoist (protective of Orange) (currently tied up after revealing his manipulation of Orange)
Purple - secluded opportunist (Mr. Rose's plaything - reluctantly)
Black - listless observer, coldly rational
White - cruel narcissist (kicked the bucket)
Green - decent, but kicked the bucket
Short-hair - had violent outburst; was in isolation; uh, insensitive/mean/blunt sometimes, wants Doyoung to wake up and take things seriously
Pink - Not too bad? Oh, nope, a bully.
Yellow - ??? Sometimes makes a scary face???
Gray - ??? Quiet - might be slightly mocking
Blue - had broken arm; was told was a fake; accused of killing White; ally (might be real?)
Hotel Phryne