Sensei, Kowai Hanashi Shimasenka?
Interesting. Dubcon but with humor throughout, even though dealing with horror elements and dead bodies and such. Unique o.O Wish there was more <3 Stars: 4- (a few times it's a little difficult to tell what's occurring in the details/who's talking)
Kyuuketsuki no Shouzou
Unique, definitely. Mix of horror treated as commonplace (y'know... eating fellow students and all) but then some super cute things and humor. So the "horror" isn't that bad in this suspended state of yaoi reality? :D Ch 5 - short, but slight angst (again, the whole food-chain thing oAo; poor snake-mom) c6 - Wolf might be snake's soulmate? But bunny... things are weird @.@
Sun's Blood
time setting appears around 1930-40s (or earlier) roughly, some vampire-related horror, some action/adventure, some drama (ch42 missing a section) Stars: 4 +
Well, this is unique. Uh, warning for demon cannibalism. And demon demons - no earthly morals here. I would tag with "beautiful art" but... innards xD;;; Gore, dark humor, twisted romance, love/hate. A unique mix of contradicting things. Again, demons (where love leads to ruin and the kind are destroyed). Have read v2 c12.5.
Sura's Lover
have read ch9 (uke living peaceful life with seme - now that uke can't remember that seme is a demon and murdered all his friends and colleagues o~o; )