manu's manga / #tricked(4)

Messiah no Yakubi

Complete | Harada | 2000 released

Ookami Gui

Complete | Miyoshi Ayato | 2000 released
2022-01-02 23:05 marked

Summer Night Boys

Complete | Yoshi | 2000 released


Complete | Fujoking | 2016 released
2023-07-17 19:08 marked

Taking a break at Ch.14 The tragedy of dating a super handsome guy when you have no self steem. Then you blame him for being handsome and supposesly having past love experiences (all in your head btw). Then you keep being annnoying like shuting the call on the guy face and running away from home for some argue that you iniciate yourself and keep going on it by yourself - make sense being so childish when you are a college student and the guy is about 3 years older. Fuck it ヽ(`Д´)ノ