Sadistic Beauty
It is NOT BDSM. No safe word, rape, chocking without conscent, no pos-care, breaking a leg (??????).. sonds like the nightmare for anyone into bdsm. As a fictional story, I really dont mind that much when it is twistted or even brutal, but please dont tell that it is bdsm when it is not. The author really tried to put it under the bdsm umbrella but it is just evil, psicopathic, dangerous stuff. I hope ppl dont read it and think it is what bdsm is about and find themselves talking to some creep out there who call himself "master". Really concerning.
Heat and Run
Good manhua. I like the art and most characteres. Its has not dramactical up and downs, just a day by day romance about alpha x omegas with no dragging ansious tears or hate. One to point is that two omegas are the well-build type of guys - what make me really glad.
Nano Machine
Ch 160
Warrior High School – Dungeon Raid Department
Black Mirror