cocobunny's manga / #Zombie Apocalypse(2)

Dead man Switch

Ongoing | Coinmint , Eise | 2019 released

LEFT OFF CH 24 OFFICIAL maybe reread ch 22-24 too So good!!! Horror shounen ai(?)(so far?) story during zombie apocalypse!! MC works rly hard for his finals assignment and ends up sleeping for 4 days straight. During this, the frickng zombie apocalypse happens!! So when we wakes up, he’s all alone everyone is dead and theres zombies!! He has no idea whats going on and he’s kinda soyboy smartie so he’s pretty clueless on how to survive! The zombies attack based on their hearing, so you have to be very quiet. He accidentally makes too much noice and zombies find him! Right before he gets attacked, someone saves him! The ML heh. He is mean looking, black hair, piercings, sharp angry eyes, muscles, crazy scars all over his body and a giant one on his neck like he was decapitated! and strangely doesnt seem affected by these zombies or killings at all. He calls MC “Mr. Junior” and seems to know him?? MC is super confused bc he’s never met this man in his life. Wanting to stay alive, he plays along for now. They explore together and find themselves upon another group. Tensions rise as the ML’s abrasive personality makes the group feel on edge. MC feels annoyed he has to constantly clean up after ML’s mess every time. When the group asks MC and ML to fetch food, ML says he doesnt care since he’ll go wherever MC goes..almost like he just knows what’ll happen regardless. MC feels so bothered by all this, by the fact he has to make a decision for everyone, and its an unpleasant one that involves him. He kinda cowards out and says “Lets wait it out..maybe the situation will change later”. Ehh nope! The weak glasses guy of the girl, who was so distraught over his gf becoming a zombie and being dead, was talking to her on the other side of the door…and HE LET HER IN. Everyone had to scramble and kill the zombies, during which the annoying bastard senior guy got bit (and no one noticed??). MC goes to take a shower, traumatized and shaken by the fact he helped kill one of the zombies & ML praised him for that. ML enters and basically also calls him out like “I know you dont like making decisions and you always stay in the background going with the flow etc etc. But that kind of spineless behavior wont fly anymore. If you keep staring at a corpse you recognize, then you’re gonna end up with yourself killed sooner than later.” Like DAMN. He fr calling him out! Suspiciously ML already knows a lot about MC and his personality/behavior despite only knowing him for a little while.. MC feels almost like a mental breakdown and admits something like “If im good for nothing if i cant even help them..then maybe im also better off dead” to which ML got angry and pushed MC. He tells him “Dont ever say that. You have to keep living, keep surviving. Every one of us can die, but YOU have to live. Promise me you wont ever say that again. Fight to live. Always be by my side and LIVE. If you cant go on anymore, and want to die, then i’ll be the one to kill you.” woah o___o First group dies except for the one girl. They explore together and end up at the library and find another bigger group. MC tries to become friends and learn their names, bc its important to forge strong bonds in times of crisis like this. ML then yells out to MC “Don’t bother learning their names. They’re all gonna die anyway. Just come over and sit next to me already.” oop. This group then forces MC and ML to get more food on the basis of fairness and helping each other out. We finally see MC is getting more backbone and he says “You could have been honest and said you wanted us to seek out more food since we’re new and our lives arent as valuable to you” MC and ML go out and look for more food. MC is curious about ML and asks him what he would do if there wasnt a zombie apocalypse. ML says “Dunno. I think I wanted to do something, but i forgot.” sus but MC doesnt think too hard about that answer. Then he looks up at ML and its like…a moment. ML looks really cool..handsome… angelic against the snowdrops… and he thinks “Maybe i dont actually hate him..maybe quite the opposite” They eventually find food but MC accidentally makes noise and a horde of zombies come. ML quickly thinks of an idea and turns on the gas stove and lights them all on fire. When they return with food, the group apologizes for forcing them out to gather like that. ML gets in the group leaders face and says something like “You’re just too chickenshit to get your own food and expect others to hand it to you” As he leaves to get the rest of the food, group leader orders to lock the doors so that he cant get back in. MC is horrified that she would so this. Group leader warns MC that sticking with ML would get him killed bc of his nasty personality, and its safer to stay with them. MC refuses. They kick him out as well and lock the doors up with chains. MC is furious and calls them out. He also says “I……swear to god…!! If I die and become a zombie….Im killing you all first!!!” ML comes up behind him and lovingly tells him areh areh~ lol. He leads MC away and tells him “I forgot to tell you something…you were just so aggressive earlier i was so turned on. Heh. That I forgot to turn off the gas stove ;)” and BOOM the entire place where the shitty group was explodes!! That entire group dies lol As MC and ML are resting in another building, MC brings up a valid question “Do you think they’re all dead?” and ML says “Probably.” and then MC continues “You said earlier…not to learn their names. Because they were all gonna die anyway….Almost like you knew they were all going to die…” and then ML has this look on his face like he been caught o__o MC then says “And what do you mean by ‘Make sure I stay alive’? Why?” and ML gets annoyed “I meant what I meant. Whats with the third degree??” and then MC goes on a rant that he never understands ML bc he practically talks in riddles and its frustrating that YES ML is right about him not wanting to make decisions and etc. ML wants to comfort him, you can see :’) Then ML offers him an apple, “Here. I found it. I know how much you like apples” and MC is like “You FOUND it? Where?” to which ML just shrugs off his questions. Then MC enjoys the apple but then asks the bug question, “How did you know I like apples? I never told you that before..” and ML says “Well dont you?” and throws MC off. Then ML just shrugs the question off again -_- MC questions why ML wants him alive so bad, as if he’s already seen him die before. THEN WE SEE THAT ML HAS SOME PTSD FLASHBACKS OF MC DYING???? WHT IS GOING AWWWNNN!!!! SO HE’S RELIVED ALL THIS BEFORE ALREADY??? Then MC tries to bring ML back and is like r u ok? U blanked out.. Then he goes on to say thank you, and say that ML is rly great etc etc. Then MC admits to ML he doesnt hate him at all, in fact quite the opposite. Then they KISSSSS!!! <3 MC then gets sick :( ML goes out to search for cold medicine and MC goes to look for water (albeit against ML’s wishes). MC ends up finding a really dangerous group who have no problem killing actual alive humans over food. Wtf. ML finds him and tells him to be quiet. They go back to their hiding spot and ML tells MC to stay put, but also that hes rly cute like this too. He offers MC a honey drink and he gives it to him via lipsss <3 MC thinks ML weird for thinking he’s cute while sick. He even says “I could be dead and you’d still think i was sick” AND THEN ML HAS MORE PTSD FLASHBACKS OF MC DYING!! So ML is like, reliving all the same events over and over?? Why?? Until when?? That explains all his painful scars T-T ML goes out to look for cold medicine again and MC encounters a girl who fled the other group when a fight broke out. She had some medicine in her backpack but then MC fainted. When he came to, his head was resting on top of ML’s lab. MC saw ML looked mad bc MC got involved with this girl lol After she leaves, MC seems to be getting worse :( and ML looks distraught.. He says “Idk what to do… you always died before this point. Before you got sick.. idk what to do..” omg poor baby ToT

Believe My Sign

Ongoing | Shark | 2019 released

LEFT OFF CH 19 They are total opposites and get at each other’s throats easily. MC and ML were in a group together but they didnt know each other at all. Judo guy got tired of everyone using him bc he’s good at Judo and can fight, and putting his life on the line for useless cowards, so during his night watch he just leaves them. MC saw and followed him. Judo heard him and used his crazy moves on him. MC quickly explained that he wants to go along with Judo. More like demand he bring him along lol. Judo thinks he’s annoying and dead weight, thus ignores him. Judo finds a map that will lead to a shelter. At night MC felt pent up and decided to jerk off quietly on his own, but Judo noticed and wanted them to do it together bc he’s pent up too lmao. They jerk off together heheueheu. Next day theres zombies and they barely escape. Judo leaps onto a ledge and is safe but since he gets annoyed with ppl who slow him down and are a liability, he just watches MC struggle to keep up. MC couldnt belieeeve this man was deadass gonna let him die! After they jerked off together! Lmfao! So MC tricks him and is like “Behind u!” and Judo looks back, is confused bc theres nothing there. This gives MC the chance to grab at Judo LMFAO so Judo has no choice but to pull him up too asdfjsjsja. In the process of all this, they lose the map. Judo is hella pissed off. Coincidentally, MC has photogenic memory! He says “I can get you to the safe house. But in exchange you have to protect me!” Judo is HELLA annoyed with this, especially bc this idiot is carrying around a suitcase/dead weight! But he reluctantly agrees lol. They find a hotel and use it to rest. things get a little heated heuhurhue of course they git a taste of pleasure to destress earlier so of course they want more. But then a rando knocks on their door asking for help. They open it, and the dude attacks them! Judo attacks back and pushes him outside to get eaten by zombies. MC Is horrified bc Judo just basically murdered someone (not rly). Judo makes the argument that its ok to kill zombies that attack us but not ppl who try to murder us? MC has no response. THEN THEY DO JERJER. MC is like “Get off! I dont wanna do it with someone like you!” Lmfaoodsoaooaos they do some jerjer multiple times huehuehue. MC reflects how much he likes it, and hates that he likes it & that Judo is so handsome and good looking bc his personality is rotten lol. As they travel together, they grow closer as MC opens up about his family and how the suitcase holds proof of his happy memories bc since he has photogenic memory he doesnt wanna remember the bad memory of his family turning into zombies. He then asks Judo about his family and lots of questions, which Judo doesnt wanna answer lol so he kisses MC and is like “Stop talking” hehe. MC is like BRUH. Anyways they’re in an abandoned bus when all if a sudden zombies show up! Judo didnt notice these zombies cuz he was too busy making out with MC hehe. Judo quickly kicks a glass window so they can escape. But in the process he cuts his leg rly badly :( Theres too many zombies for him to fight off so he leaps onto the top of the bus and pulls MC up too. MC thought he was gonna leave him at that moment but he doesnt aww! Anyways, MC notices his injured leg and bandages it up. While he bandages it up, Judo brings up that unfortunately the man who attacked them earlier was already bitten. Its cute bc its like Judo knows MC was upset about the death but is hoping it makes him feel better knowing there was nothing they could do. Judo is rly tired so he lays down. Then MC doesnt wanna fall off the bus so he cuddles up next to Judo AWW. Then he says “Your arm is gonna get bitten by a zombie, bring it in!” and Judo then curls his arm in, putting it on top of MC’s shoulder!! AHHHHH they are now SNUGGLING ahhh!!!! <3 ;w; Next day MC wakes up and notices how cute Judo looks when he is sleeping hehe. Anyways they leave the area and MC notices that Judo is slower now and weaker :( So he wants to go to an area where they can rest and theres food: a daycare. He mentions to Judo they should make a quick detour to a nearby Daycare for food and rest. Judo agrees. Once they arrive, they are attacked by a random man. Judo overpowers him but the man puts pressure on his wound! Then MC comes in with his suitcase and hits the dude on the head! The dude introduces himself as the current inhabitant of the daycare. He gives them supplies and heads off bc he needs to do something. MC tends to Judo’s wound and they get to talking more. They get closer together ;w; Judo tries to kissey MC but MC notices he has a fever and tells him to lie down. As he sleeps, MC takes note again how handsome he really looks hehe. Judo has a dream about how ig his family may have looked perfect but they rly werent?? Anyways he wakes up on MC’s lap but……MC has a boner lmfao. MC isnt aware bc he is asleep. Judo wakes him up and is like “I couldnt sleep bc the pillow was hard” asdjfsjjsak. They then succ each other off heheh. Afterwards MC takes a nap. Man comes back but with kids this time. He protects them. He asks to speak to Judo alone. Basically tells him “I’m not interested in the safe house because that would mean leaving these kids. I wont be doing that.” Judo and me already thinking the same thing: Even tho this man is a military combat dude, he WILL die. Because he is trying to protect useless dead weight. Judo thinks back how so many ppl died trying to protect him. Thus this man too will die eventually trying to protect those kids. The man notices Judo’s look and says “I already know what you’re thinking from that look in your eye. And I only helped you because your friend needed it. He has someone to protect: you. So I did it for him. When you’re healed, you guys need to leave” Like dayum ok. We go back to MC and he’s having an awful nightmare about how he once had a happy life filled with happy memories with his family but it all became hell when his family turned to zombies. He wakes up from this night terror and Judo is there next to him! He says “Hey? You’re having a nightmare. Calm yourself, its ok” and holds him a little.. But then MC fully goes in for a hug and is like asking to be held almost <3 ;w; Judo is taken by surprise and holds him to comfort him. Then MC says “You’re not allowed to leave me! Ever! You cant!!” Awww omg ;; Judo us like umm…k.. Lol Then they do JERJER!! Again!! Hehehe. This time, Judo really really feels it~ like he’s into itttttt hehe. Probably bc he feels closer to MC now, thus the sex naturally feels better. He nuzzles into MC’s neck and everything <3 Afterwards, Judo reflects on what the man said “That boy has someone he wants to protect: you” and Judo thinks “bullshit..” probably bc he cant fathom the idea of someone needing him and wanting to protect him. Has he ever had a gf bc??? Lmfaoo. Anyways they’re getting even closeerr ;w;