Hige to Suzu to Shabondama
This is simply perfect like I also want to know Santa's family and his story but I already feel satisfied on how adorable Rintaro's family is....like they're just so cute and funny!!! This is so wholesome!
Rational Pervert Romance
This is so sweet
Hitsuji no Kawa wo Kita Kemono
I mean Daichi is a gem but the ending is so lacking like I need more after....
To Dear, My Sorrow
I absolutely love the story but is this it???? Can someone pls answer me!
Kimi no Hitomi ni Ubawaretai
They're so adorbs! I love this couple!
Koishite kissshite kanjaitai
WTH why am I only discovering this now!!! This is one of my ultimate fave!!! Just perfectly well crafted story! Love it!!! I SO BADLY WANT MORE
Baby, Sugar, Succubus
Another brilliant creation of the author
Aoi haru,akaiito
I don't know but the resolution is kinda lacking
Muri Marriage
Love the arts, the plot, the intensity and how they flirt with each other ♡♡♡ It's cute how their relationship is progressing and also their honesty and trust with one another! I hope the chapters extended to their married life >< but so sad it ends!
Kujira no Oshitate-san