Love or Hate(Yeongha)
I just love every bit of the story! What a perfection It's one hella roller-coaster ride
Yours to Claim
OMG I just badly want it for him to choose CAIN like plssssd can't he be just happy like he's so kind, adorable, lovable and just overall an angel...plsssssssss let it be a 2nd male lead era of romance!!!
Dine With a Vampire
Another perfectly crafted series has come to an end! I enjoyed reading this so thank you!
Keeper of the Pearl
I just wanna say that this webtoon is a masterpiece like every chapter is precious and satisfying! I just super duper love it! Thank you for creating this wonderful story author-nim. However I want more and I cannot wait to re-read this one!
Painter of the Night(Yahwacheop)
When will these webtoon get an update!!! Can't wait already
Legs That Won't Walk
I don't know
viewfinder (Ez)