Kimi no Hitomi ni Ubawaretai
They're so adorbs! I love this couple!
Koishite kissshite kanjaitai
WTH why am I only discovering this now!!! This is one of my ultimate fave!!! Just perfectly well crafted story! Love it!!! I SO BADLY WANT MORE
Kawaii Kimi wo Sunao ni Saseru Houhou -Seiza mo Koi de Isogashii-
It's actually pretty good but why only 2 chapters! I need more
Okay this seems interesting soo I'm giving it a chance...hope they mass update
Briefly Free
Another worthy read! Hope they mass update
Mr. Dior
This is adorbs it's a breather to read a story involving married couples with a twist
Risou no Koibito Himemiya-kun
Yukawa is an adorbs seme and Himemiya is just a gem .....I super duper love it and I want more!!!! Update soonest please
First Night With My Beloved
This is a GEM and why am I only discovering this now! Daiki and Kanato is such an adorbs cupcakes
It Felt Good from the First Touch
Loving the aura vibe! So adorbs!
Mad Cinderella