My Brothers Dote On Me
NOTE TO SELFCHAPTER 5 - Messy Translation| Hard To Comprehend - The main character, Yun Ge, was bullied by her adopted sister and her brothers who doted on her. They had even sent her to a mental hospital where her doctor sexually harassed her. This was the plot of a novel our MC was reading and she swore that if she were in her shoes, she'd never allow these things to slide. Just like that, she was brought into the novel world, on the ground being harassed by the psychiatrist. From there, she leaves the hospital to be found by her eldest brother who helps her and this is where we meet the adopted second daughter of Qin family and the third young master. Surprise surprise! Apparently, the youngest master remembers a previous life where Qin runs away with all the jewelry she was bought when the Qin family went into ruin (which was also caused by a scandal she got herself into) and the one who ended up caring for him was his biological sister who they regarded as an outsider. He wants to treat her better in this life and begins to treat his adopted sister coldly. Now, back to the situation outside the mental hospital, the eldest young master brings her to a hotel???? where she encounters his girlfriend?? and she tells her off. She then wakes up the next day and shows up in the Qin house where the youngest master tries to appease the MC and convince her not to move out of the household. VERY FKN CONFUSING M8
Youkai Gakkou No Sensei Hajimemashita!
NOTE TO SELFCHAPTER 8 There is a cute dynamic between the two main characters. Although they have very different personalities, they got across their differences and found their similar passion for flowers. Albeit the different stances they take in viewing them, they take advantage of their different outlooks and combine them in their ikebana.
Oshi no Ko
Act Out!
NOTE TO SELFCHAPTER 12 THIS IS SO CUTEEEEE. OMFG. Those two for sure had a romance arch after the story end bro LOL. But seriously, if you want sad --> joy and happiness, then read this. It's lovely
They are a Couple