Back to the Tang Dynasty: The Chubby Beauty
Looks interesting
to be Reborn at dynasty tang
Amazing uh i want that thief dead hes annoying
The Justice of Villainous Woman
amazing nice wonderfull i want more
Moto Akuyaku Reijo Makimodotta node Ouji-sama kara Tousou Shiyou to Omoimasu!
Amazing ugh! What is happening here the mom poisoned the baby of her own but its kind confussing i want morefighting,nooooooo!why did you fired her maid aisha is innocent the real culprit should be arrested?oh my gash its happpeninng so fast
The Baby Hostage Is So Cute
Amazingly cuteo my gash!the doting father and grandmother,now the brothers have arrived i wonder what happens next!drum roling!oh my goshthe older brother has a scary aura no wonder both of them are scared.the oldest brother is kind off tdundere type,,he doesnt know how to express hes rmotion well. And he like her too,their younger sister
The Baby Princess Can See Status Windows
Amazing, i want to see more chapters,i dont care if the emperor will get an out rage to the empress bitch,she deserve it, ahahahadoting dad and older brother,our girl is so cute, she got blue eyes from the dad and black hair for her mom perfect cutie!
IRIS - Lady with a Smartphone