idek's manga / #sweet(14)

Doctor Elise

Complete | Mini,Yuin | 2000 released
2019-06-18 05:15 marked

last read ch109. the ml grew so soft -literally- his drawings got so much light now that he's in love. ml is so direct and straightforward w his feelings, and he whips out quite a few smooth lines wo trying. fl blushes uwu, is honest w her feelings, rational and all round great gal. they're officially tgt now and way too lum at time ahaha.feel sad for 3rd prince tho, unrequited love, don't know how him and ml fight for throne cos bad past (family blood flaud) will go

Love Shuttle

Complete | Im Ae-Ju | 2000 released
2020-03-03 08:33 marked

last read ch36. end of season 1~ THIS IS SO CUTE AND SWEET AND HOT AND UGH they are really handsome as well, one of them is a tsurendre I think lol, theyre so sweet w eo and tgt ajshdjajaj also, they just officially started dating near the end of the alphas rut and I think the omega got preggo.. what will happen next?!?!?!?!!!

The Evil Lady's Hero

Ongoing | Lee haron, | 2019 released

last read ch 65. this is so interesting DDD: the ml is so sweet, touchy, gentle, possessive, considerate and handsome TTT the fl is strong and likable too TTTTTT fl and ml are dating~~~~ for 10 days now hohoho, fl estimate they've got less than 10 months before ml and the other girl meets and fall in love, so she planned to just give him up but hohoho it's already so sweet now, and srsly, she might not think she's doing much but ml is head over heels for her (and her job as a doctor is very important, no matter how she reduces her job to the other girl's) (the other girl's dating cassian (fl's killer in the book) and he a playboy cheating crown prince, and they're having relationship problems) he's the best soft dark boy and shes the best light TT she doesnt really love him yet, she still needs to make to choice to fight and be w him if she thinks her like for him will turn deep as love, so now, she will see through the expedition w ml and side girl. fl has confirmed her feelings TTTTTTTT she said she likes him and won't leave him TTTTTTTTTT i luv their dynamics as well TT and their interactions TTT the story telling and the little details is so good TT a very tame scene even made me tear up,, the emotions that simple action carried TT

Leveling Up, By Only Eating!

Ongoing | Park min gyu,Koge | 2019 released

last read ch 10. this is so cute and wholesome!!! ml has a rare condition that makes his appetite unceasing and he loves food. but if he eats any more, he will die. so he plays a vr game that let's him have taste of what he eats. everyone in his life is so nice, caring and loving to him uwuwuwu cry. his dad is so touching he said he's proud of him.. ml also wants to be better by loosing weight. (he on a normal bases is already a very hard working, smart and positive person ;;) a wholesome light read :') also, ml is cuuute

A Villain Is A Good Match For A Tyrant

Ongoing | 유이란 (yoo leeran),나전 (najeon), 자개 (jage) | 2020 released

last read 65. BWahaahahhaha this is literally gag. fun and likable so far. fl has to pretend to be an extreme villaness (like a crazy seductrus who has ml whipped) cos ml said that's the only way she can survive the assassins since he got too many enemy how wants him to have a weakness) // asdflksjlkjl the plot is all messed up ahahhaha and fl has a mysterious bg??! she found the book that wrote exactly what happens but also remembered it was given to her as a child by someone she forgot... and she magically could chant spell of another language (from the book) ,, hidden power??! she might be more powerful than ml??! fl and ml is so cute tgt. love fl's personality, she's so lovable huheuheue rn theyve captured the dragon, it turned chibi ahahha They’re such a lovely and sweet couple TTTTTT the ml also knows how to admit his mistakes and apologise and comfort fl and said he will do better and not have a next time TTTTTTTT Ml s blood thrusts for the blood of others, he has been controlling it but after the next war he will become crazy (according to the novel author that’s in place as well) best couple everrr. theyre so sweet. ugh. and understanding. ugh. love. anyway, think girl is the grand sorcerous who did some mojo (thus not much power and memory lost) cos she was looking for a way to help ml to get rid of that evil blood from his body. such a happy read ahahhahah boy giving so much trust and power to her uwu

I Became the Villain's Mother

Ongoing | Yuliji | 2020 released

last read 46. cute!! kid pretends to be innocent to be loved by his mother (fl). but in reality both kid and ml are calculating maniacs lol. but kid genuinely likes and cares (?) for fl, while ml is getting increasingly jealous of the good mother son bond lol. fl is scared of ml tho. fl really loves children and has a very upright, rightous and loving view of the world. she really is oppose to kid getting harsh training and stuff, and thinks he's innocent and needs love. in a way, what she say is true. even tho he isn't like normal kid w the way he's brought up, he still thinks like a kid- he still needs parent guidance in his growth to be better. really interesting tho! wonder how she would react when she finds out at him. and there's also a crown prince who apparently doesn't get along w the kid and enemis wants to use that to kill off the child house hold. I think the crown prince will like fl and fl will get the kids to get along w eo??? it would be so fun to read TTT but rn, we don't even know what the crown prince look like :T oh no, little ain got beat uppp! he let them but, still harhar. ml has truly fallen (beginning) lol. and fl isnt scared of him anymore~ and even getting shy~~ theyre sweet w eo! apparently, from the book, ain would turn villainous cos his obsession with eliza? that girl who the prince also likes. rn tho, ain and the girl hasnt met and fl doesnt know how that will work out so is just dedicating her whole self to him. Season 1 ended and they’re going on a hiatus,,, oml, it ended so omuonious, everything is going great, they’re such a cute and sweet family and ugh fantastic. But they’re still hiding their dark sides from her while she trusts them fully as pure angels whom she has prevented from following the villainous path of the original novel. Girl is so innocent,, I really hope her realisation won’t be too harsh ,,,, but if it isn’t harsh how is it going to take up a whole season??? I’m scaredddd ,, ml and fl r so cute tgt ugh, they finally build the trust and got intimate and mutual love TTTTT fl too naive , idk how she will deal w the reality that they’re dark and have dark dark jobs :(

The Great Wish

Ongoing | Nalae,Haneulgaligi,Skye | 2019 released
2021-03-17 15:55 marked

last read ch98. they're so cute tgt :( the guy is sooooo sweet to her :((( he's really head over heels for her and really loyal, it's ride or dy TT and girl is pretty admirable, she grew up in a confined environment where all she knew was controlled by her mother and human interactions were limited (again, due to her mother), but ever since she started seeing her future self in her dreams, she has slowly changed. she confronts her ignorance and actively tries to solve it and she's open to new ideas, she's really admirable and strong. the art kinda got better? well, the male lead looks better as the story progress, but the body proportions skskksk it's the tiny head big body;; luckily it isn't full time. the plot is also really good, but im sooo on the edge worrying the next moment ml and fl will have a big misunderstanding and end or something since they both have such strong personalities and both have some misunderstanding to eo (ml thinks fl has other guys? like she only sees ml as a side boy toy fling - since that's what most astrocates do and that's the environment she was raised in; while fl has uncertainties abt ml, like his purpose of getting close to her - she doesn't believe it is all pure, she thinks he has other motives like for preventing her from becoming emperor for her half brother - cos she would be disqualified if she married a flilf head (which is what ml will apparently become, according to her future dream), and she thinks ml might eventually fall for princess fatia cos that was who ml was w in her future dream, plus in future dream, ml and her didn't get along. BUT girl is working on that and not backing down TTT she said she won't give up on ml and fight fatia for him and came to conclusion that the dream her isn't the current her (or what she would become) nor is it what ml is or will become. TTTT she's so cool and realistic. and even though they have such minor misunderstandings, they are still tgt cos they simply can't give up on eo, they both become soft when in front of eo and om TT it's really sweet. ml is also so understanding and notices how fl actually really is just shy and hides;; tho he is a bit too courteous at times, like, it's alright to think she's jealous!! and even if she is stubborn sometimes, don't give in!! she isn't rejecting him nor stepping back in their relationship no more; he also has said he isn't using her and really does love her (don't know how much of that she believes) hehehe theyre so cuuuuute!! man, he's so loyal and sweet and considerate and patient and omg. and she, oh my, she's so so so good, she has decided to open up herself to him (something she hasn't even done to her caretaker/nanny) and trust him;; it's really good to see her aknowledging what she lacks (in her ways of thinking) and how she is confronting it Season 2 ended at ch98! So far it’s been the official tapas upload, ch99 rn is so bad. Let’s wait.

I am the Precious Daughter of the Greatest Villain in the Fantasy World

Ongoing | Solddam | 2021 released

last read ch43. IT"S SO GOOODODOODOOD ughhhh so sweettttt iomng everyone oh my lalfokae the art is differnt from the cover, but it's so gooooooddddddd, it's even better?? it really suit the story, the fl is soooooo sweeeeettttt D': she's lovliness itself ;;; so cute; she's also brave and loyal and oh goodness. her clan adooooreeess her too and her father is so powerful handsome and sweet to her *cries// she was initially thinking to run away but she realised she won't be willing to leave behind her people even if given the chance and in the face of death TTT so she's staying and protecting them ueuwu she's so logical as well, so full of sense;;; the ml was a child that was kidnapped to be the next demon clan heir (it's a tradition), and his parents were killed by the current head (fl dad) ((tho i think there was some misunderstanding, maybe fl dad didnt kill them since apparently fl dad knew ml dad and they often drank tgt?)) so anyway, cos that, ml feels like he should hate them and want revenge but he was K.O. ed by fl's sweetness and selflessness, he had the chance to leave but he gave it up and didn't find the freedom worth it in the face of her fainting, he really whole heartedly protected her ;; currently fl is like 8, soon to be 9 and ml should be around 13? people from murim was allowed to visit the sect to investigate about them exterminating the dark clan and the ice palace; fl dad allowed it cos he want murim side to view them in a different light (that the aren't evil but just beings that go by power) and thus lessen the possible danger and scorn fl may face ;;; monk dude is def sus, fl gave him the stink eye THE ART IS SOOOOOO pretty as well and fl is gonna be powerful when she grows up uwu it's so sweet and wholesome; save me;; sidenote, apparently the investigating people apart from 1 did not appear in the novel, but she still finds the monk sus Yo why the dudes from murim so weak and cowardly T T ; monk was some evil brainwashed dude who self bombed for sacrifice ... maybe should wait for a big update Just let blackie be the ml TTTTT girl treats him like a pet tho :(

I Stole The Male Lead's First Night

Ongoing | Msg,Hwang do-tol,ti-bah jeo | 2019 released
2021-04-27 07:49 marked

last read ch40. free on LINE webtoon. season 1 ended. TTT the plot is pretty simple, direct, sweet and wholesome TTTTT things move pretty fast pace? the stoy's focus on ml and fl interaction is rather little? like it isn't the main thing (it was more focused on fl running away, thinking up solutions and her daily life). but the moments that we have of them tgt is always so so soo sweet and touching. it's dripping w meaning. w such little interaction and meetings, u are already drawn into the ml. they prop eo up and help eo sort out their inner conflict :'( it's so wholesome. but anyway, the story rn is kinda dragging on? it really could be the end but they once again dragged on her marriage (cos she was hurt during kidnapping), and apparently, her and the side girl's fam could be going bankrupt? so girl's doing business but it failed? idek what season 2 will talk abt. her business adventure? her stuggle at being (the only) duchess in the emperor? i don't really see it happening but i hope there will be more focus on them as a couple; ml is said to be obsessive, we still have not seen that so it would be nice to be aquainted

A Hunter's Courtship Method

Ongoing | Guncheong Jundan,Bang Tongsik | 2000 released
2021-06-24 18:13 marked

last read ch29. official is on pocket comics (where apparently u can read a ch free a day?). this is sooooo sweet TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT i wish the ml was just a normal dude and not a prince (so they can just live happily tgt in a peaceful and idle environment) :(( he's so pretty and cute and calm and blushy and oh my lord. he kinda makes me think hj initially, w his looks. and fl is so instinctual? and direct w her feelings and affection uwu. they're so cute tgt. their sweet sweet honey filled days has come to an end at ch29 and ml must go back. his situation isn't great (emperor favours a bastard son and wants to kill ml and his older sister- whom is the rightful successor to the throne; so ml doesn't want to bring trouble to fl and thus will come back to get her after all is settled; he already imagined fl taking his last name!!! TTTTTT so cute ;;