last read 77. she a real villainess o_o was plotted and killed in last life by her step sister and even thought it was her (fl) fault for acting so uncultured and felt sorry to her step sister - till the evil two face rubbed it in her face that fl is dumb. so this life she is really cunning, they're ~14 so kids but mille has started to hire people to harm her life (last ch w carriage). fl kinda has oscar's interest - mille's love interest. fl is basically just plotting for revenge purely. tho rn she's slowly getting on the good side of people, she doesn't have anyone she can count on. everyone around her is stupid and tactless. dk what ml (i think is the prince) is gonna do, he giving a boquat of flowers to her randomly when she trynna trick him to think she's mille (i.e. dont look for fl for trouble) think that busted? or nah; overall very interesting to see if oscar will like her, if her revenge will succeed or if she will be less extrem as wanting mille's head chopped off and family exhicuted, if she will gain any smart loyal help (she's kinda heartless rn, treats them as pawns), and if fl and ml will fall in love (((the drwaings of guys look like stale bread - not that bad but they really dont stand out, oscar and ml looks pre the same, wonder if he'll grow more handsome as he grows up))) and the hourglass! she got it fixed and hid it in a secret compartment of her room .. sus - not so sus; she doesn't hide it anymore and uses it often to turn back time (5 min). she really is s beautiful poisonous flower.
she's rather.. young? she isn't a mature and calculated fl, sometimes her actions and reactions are immature, but it works out/ she just isnt the calm mature type. nothing wrong w it really. she's slowly gaining feelings tho ~ her heart is softening to Sarah who she only saw as an investment, and her feelings is swayed by the crown prince (ml) ~ slowly seeing the possibility that her life can be more than just a use other for her own benefit and survival s show, that she can have someone to rely on /be on the same path as. think they mutrally likes eo ueu / millie trynna kill fl rn tho w the pressure from isis
?? who this hottie?? (anyway, dk why i feel so anxious w everything; their relationship is mutral but feels so rocky - they still adress eo as Lady Aria and Lord Asher, it just feels distant, like there's an invisible barrier between them? even tho he's really dedicated to her and she's falling for him and trying to trust him. on hide sight, hottie isn't going to steal the show. author has made roots for fl and ml w the hint that during childhood ml saved fl w his life pretty much - got a slash down his back damn. anyway, already ch66 yet it still has me anxious through out. phew
Ok, ml is set, he’s the ml not the new dude. Girl is of nobel bloodline that’s why she have magical power. She’s trying to trust ml and wait for him to reveal everything to her. Girl seriously have some good character growth.
The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass