Fiery Enemies
last read ch 36. this real cute and sweet. fl is now stronger and ml has grown up to be much more reliable(?) they both only love eo even after divorce, misunderstandings are all pretty much solved very quickly and they're constantly growing tgt, building a stronger relationship. ml is a fool for her too, he blushes and losses his cool bc of her. cute. only hurdle now is her uncle hired an assassin to kill fl due to inheritance. the assassin looks like he wants to do inappropriate things to her before killing her too. but think the story is coming to an end soon, after this climax.
Matched to a Billionaire Happily Ever After, Inc. I
life lesson mix sweetness. ml was confined by himself and fl bravely tried to open him up 3.5/4 stars
It Was All You
And (okazaki Mari)
Another's Love Story
Last read ch15. She’s on the apathetic side with her emotions? But she’s nice, cares, lonely and have desires, just like anyone else. Ml is a younger new team member, first met after she got cheated on by her ex and went drinking and he was the worker. Fl is 32, ml 27. They both have steady personalities. Ml finds lots of things troublesome, like how he had to deal with her drunk self- needing to send her home- but he’s slowly getting interested in her. And he’s a nice and caring person cos even when he finds things troublesome he doesn’t just let it go. Fl also views him positively. It’s a rather realistic and sweet take on finding what love is. (With fl questioning and being envious of others love that doesn’t seem to come or work for her. MLS sweet and stands up for her u_u
Real S.E.X
Last read ch12. A collection of stories focusing on 8(?) people’s sexual life. First arc is dude who has premature ejaculation, second arc is his ex girlfriend who doesn’t like giving heads? Or something. Pretty realistic and down to earth problems, it’s interesting in that sense. Art is very unique, u won’t feel anything for the smut, this just educational on problems real people get in regards to their sexual life.
Tada no Renai Nanka de Kikkonai -Kojirase Joushi to Fechina Buka-
Last read ch10. This is so gooood ;; it's so sensual and sweet ugh, they're soooo cute tgt, tho they haven't said their feelings for eo (kinda haven't even figured out they like eo, just oh why do I think she's cute, and stuff) but he's so considerate/attentive of her already. They're real cute tgt. Art is pretty too. But sigh, his first crush that caused his atousal problem is back and wants him T T pls she wants to team up with fl guy friend who likes her..
Kinyoubi no Baby Violet
Last read ch8. Another cute guy u_u she's lovable but idg how he fell for her? Anyway, they cute and guy is so respectful? He got an std test of his own accord ahahah and he washes himself well and asks her if he smells, just really considerate. Ang girl is cute, she's so brave too. Guys a lingerie designer and girl was a soft core ero girl on twitter. 4?