Emperor And The Female Knight
last read ch78. funny! (the translation grp too lol they do some srs good edits). she's really strong willed and no bull. season 1 ended, now season 2 is more romance!!!!! ml realized he loves fl hehehehe and ml is so freking cute and funny ahahah trying to charm fl (failing) and being all whipped for her lololol fl is still just really loyal to him and i dont think feels any love for him yet? anyway, it's all really cute now and the side characters are quite good (n funny) people.
Living as the Tyrant's Older Sister
last read ch76. ! the art is beautiful yet gets really comical and playful, the leads are smart, funny, straightforward and relatable. everyone's so likable (cept the villan lol), love overall. (the guy on the cover isn't the girl's brother, it's the ml. the brother is younger,11yrold cuteish tsurendre brat ahahha)
Goodbye, In-law
last read ch.25. I want to rate this 4 and a half star cos even tho the character, art and idea is so good, the2 faced beeach is so annoying and mcs still dont have any intention to karma her. frustrated. rather, fl is nice to her. also, the whole stalking the in laws everyday seems so tiring and not smart. I'm sure there could have been better options.. but it makes for good situations for actions to happen. but man, I feel stressed by the obsessive 2 faced beach, that stalker and the jealous junior girl. too much evil *faints
Tendou-ke Monogatari
last read ch.26. interesting plot. pretty cute and deep. dude tho. he's so not honest w his feelings, saying she's only a tool for him. she's really strong and innocent.
Jishou Akuyaku Reijou na Konyakusha no Kansatsu Kiroku
Last read ch30. Old style black and white manga, it’s so good! They’re reeeeally cute, there’s pov from fl as well. It’s pretty much the end? He’s visiting her family and once she graduate they are going to marry! She’s his anchor TT the only thing that interests him, the only one that’s keeping him from straying :’) the art is really cute and pretty/charming too, and the characters are likeable and misunderstanding / point of struggle isn’t too bad. Turns out girl was so dead set on pairing ml up w that bird girl cos in the otome game, any other route where that bird girl doesn’t end w him, he goes down a very bad path (solitude, war fanatic, suicide, missing, etc), so fl just didn’t want him to end up sad :( and she’s so sweet, since she already liked him from the start, she doesn’t do things that are overboard , that and her personality is just the frank, simple, loving, sweet, fresh type
Maou no Ore ga Dorei Elf wo Yome ni Shitanda ga, Dou Medereba Ii?
last read ch.20. cute sweet funny. ml is cute but says the opposite/goes in a round about way when expressing himself, but he's pretty cool otherwise lolol and luckily others and fl understands the care under his harsh words/exterior
Of course, I'll claim Palimony!
La Dolce Vita di Adelaide
The Evil Lady's Hero
last read ch 65. this is so interesting DDD: the ml is so sweet, touchy, gentle, possessive, considerate and handsome TTT the fl is strong and likable too TTTTTT fl and ml are dating~~~~ for 10 days now hohoho, fl estimate they've got less than 10 months before ml and the other girl meets and fall in love, so she planned to just give him up but hohoho it's already so sweet now, and srsly, she might not think she's doing much but ml is head over heels for her (and her job as a doctor is very important, no matter how she reduces her job to the other girl's) (the other girl's dating cassian (fl's killer in the book) and he a playboy cheating crown prince, and they're having relationship problems) he's the best soft dark boy and shes the best light TT she doesnt really love him yet, she still needs to make to choice to fight and be w him if she thinks her like for him will turn deep as love, so now, she will see through the expedition w ml and side girl. fl has confirmed her feelings TTTTTTTT she said she likes him and won't leave him TTTTTTTTTT i luv their dynamics as well TT and their interactions TTT the story telling and the little details is so good TT a very tame scene even made me tear up,, the emotions that simple action carried TT
Miss Not-So Sidekick