Leveling Up, By Only Eating!
last read ch 10. this is so cute and wholesome!!! ml has a rare condition that makes his appetite unceasing and he loves food. but if he eats any more, he will die. so he plays a vr game that let's him have taste of what he eats. everyone in his life is so nice, caring and loving to him uwuwuwu cry. his dad is so touching he said he's proud of him.. ml also wants to be better by loosing weight. (he on a normal bases is already a very hard working, smart and positive person ;;) a wholesome light read :') also, ml is cuuute
The Villain's Savior
last read ch 46. IT'S MUTUAL LOVE UWUWUWUWU weird tho how he still doesn't have the mark but his heart/chest area hurt when she was in danger hmmm , a mark hunter monster appeared - dude is very unnecessary and ugly. and the prince has appeared! I guess the plot only have slainING the monster and figuring out why his mark hasn't appeared, to finish. when the psycho obsessive ml blushes cos her sweet attacks tho uwuwuwu they're such cutes. but lol. so far she has been crying over agony every few ch I hope more happy days will come for them and they can get more sweet and chummy uwuwuwu ((prince tho, suddenly appearing and asking her if her mark is the same as his. HA. fat bet.))
Otherworldly Sword King's Survival Records
last read 52. quite good. comedy /gag mixed. the art is sometimes a miss tho. and some parts are really dragged out and boring. the ml is really strong but we aren't really wowed by it since even we don't get to see his skills since they don't really focus on him.. and there's this misunderstanding /hinting of a comedy romance between the ml and the side ml who looks like a girl. don't really like nor care for it? overall it's pretty interesting I guess but some parts are kinda ? why does he want to level up so bad when he's only at level 5 and need like 50 billion exp to get to level 6, it would take forever for him to reach even the 10s. and the fact that he has only been looking at low level monsters rn.. the highest level I think he met so far was a level 70 smthing other worlder, which he can't gain any exp from. when will he ever met any monsters that's level 100+ ... the manga is really focused on relationships, drama and the human aspects.. 3.5 or 4 stars
It Looks Like I’ve Fallen into the World of a Reverse Harem Game
last read ch 41. very interesting! really like the fl~ she's calm yet real and really subtly affectionate and kind. and the slave concubine is such a soft boy TT he's loyal, honest and such a teary puppy TT in front of her only tho! he's a strong little puppy outside! even if he is weak.. apparently the ending is a reverse harem? but i wouldnt mind if she only stays with the pup ^_T dont like the libarian dude who cheated cos he was rejected and the red haired dumb prince from the concured place who is soooo blind. the maid b is the otome game player while fl is the villaness side cara but cos a bug she can see maid's game prompt. maid b is such an eye sore. good thing fl has realised that they arent people in the same situation (thrown into another world) and will be more stern w her action towards her (hopefully), since she realised it's either maid dies or she dies (cos she tried giving a peaceful ending for both but maid rejected). it was also hinted a little that the maid did some underhanded method? to get the game to play like this? but omy, the luttle puppy andher is so cute TT she really tries to bring him up and rise his confidence TT saying she wants him to experience freedom, do what he wants and be happy TTT luv. and she viewshim as the only reason, the sole person who is giving her power to continue on in this world that she was thrown into ~ he gives her energy ~ and she dotes him and hes a sweetie to her TTTTTT they doo the deed wo much fanfare(((i was mistaken?? what?? they were just hugging previously?? ???? but well, ch25 they did it harhahhahrahrhah soh cute.))), she's omg. she's pretty masculine? personality wise- she's really cool uwu that dude who went to war and came back is hot and loyal. fl's feelings is also probbed by him // 3 hehehe her inner turmoil is resolved a little~ 2 of her concubines know she isn't the real princess (robert? the librarian blonde guy who cheated confronted her and said he likes this her and stuff and to give him a chance :( and she confessed to blonde puppy, but he knew from the start but didn't say anything cos he was scared this her would disappear) - red hair guy is still w the black hair girl but their relation is rocky, he knows she is changing and different than what he thought she was but he's still sticking w her cos he regards her as the one who saved from from despair and hatred or something (boy. she was just manipulating you.)
I'll Do That Marriage
last read ch11. lol, it's fast pace but only the start, author just (rightly) skimmed through the bg info and focuses on the building of romance between fl and ml hueheuhe ml is like a little kid ahahha when he gets so frustrated/hurt by whats going on w fl he get tears in his eyes adjshdlsl rather cute even tho drawing style isnt really handsome/pretty, it's still charming and likable. ml eq is also so low but he tries really hard ahahhahah he keeps making homemade sweets for her (even tho it always turns out really bad ahahah) and fl is quite nice and tries to understand him, tho she doesnt want to fall for him since a year from now the "real" girl (selina) that he will fall in love w will appear. but she only appeared cos fl's whole fam was exterminated in the novel so her appearance isnt guaranteed 4.5? stars
Max Level Returner
on ch5. worried his lil bro is a wimpy boastful sell-out (even tho i was just introduced to him in a bit of ep4?) main dude dishing out mad level goods to him, idk if this is gonna turn bad or what. should wait and see, only 27 chs rn. dont really particularly like anyone yet
Chitra Webtoon