Happy End o Shinjiteru
hahah made me laugh out loud several times. stupidly funny and cringey but in a good way.
Yoidore Koi o Sezu
I loved this so much
Ch1-3 + 7 Cute but art isn’t the best; also very cliche and predictable, especially the handkerchief thing. It was also a bit...rushed (punintended hahaha I hate myself) ch4- 6 Was even more rushed in terms of the uke's development in feelings for the seme, and the plot had too many holes in my opinion. Overall an OK read
Suit o Nuidara
Decent read. didn't like the 2nd story that much
Junketsu Drop
Ahh this was too fucking cute. I loved it ~ I can't say there was much of a plot but it was simple and clear, and the art was great. Misato is SO cute ffs. It was surprisingly funny at times too. It has some smut scenes but I kept getting distracted by how fucking cute Misato is. I love it when they kiss, it's so sweet but hot at the same time. Really enjoyed that ~
Sonna Me De Mite Kure
Hilarious. Was laughing most of the time Wish there was a better development in feelings though
Ichimai Goshi Fetish