Kitto Kiss O Suru Toki
Aweee .. This was so cute. It was kinda innocent and sweet too. Mostly kissing and pure love. I like his brother complex, his cute brother and the seme
Tomodachi Ijou no Koto, Shitai.
Aweeee my heart. So sweet and cute. The seme is so adorable and our uke is and interesting guy. The big brother though, I want a sequel on him
Kedamono Arashi - Kiss Me Baby! -
Koori Ga Tokeru No O Matteru
Its definitely not like your typical. I love the second. But they all are worth the read
Crack Star
At first with Mio sleeping around I was a little upset, because he didnt even try to tell Shino anything. But I'm glad it worked out for them.
Okusan no Mousouteki Nichijou
First off, chiku chiku is the cutest hedgehog there is... Oku is so hilarious with all those fantasies of his (I really like and enjoyed, it gives the author a lot of room to be more creative)...I fell in love with soduo too, too bad he rejected oku at first. But my biggest love is yokoshima, he's the biggest sweetheart ever. Kinda funny how I remember everyone's name.
Ai ni Naburareru