Hinekure Sakura ni Koi ga Saku
Awweee. Sakura and his teasing seme...I want more...such a cute couple
Motoyan Papa to Hitsuji-sensei
This was so heart warming. On to the next one
Melt at Night
Aweeee the uke was so sweet and innocent. Love the way they are so into each other, so cute
Eto Irokoi Zoushi
Aweeee all the zodiacs were all so sweet and sexy in their own way. I love that lots and Masataka were able to become life partners. Such a lovely and heart warming story
Sensei Datteyarashii Koto Shitai
Kindergarten teachers, *squeals* my soft spot. I love them so much
Our Future (Cheok Kong)
Fuck noooooo, I need more of these people and the BDSM.. I love both couples and Niki is so Niki, lol. Idk, but I really enjoyed reading this especially when it got to the BDSM bits, I'm drooling and in need of more. I feel like it was too short and the chp were too short as well. God read.
Our Companionship
This was enjoyable. The uke found his perfect partner and the seme is so sexy and wonderful.
Ote O Haishaku