Nights Before Night
This is one of my absolute favorites. I really enjoy both characters. needs moar smut
Very nicely drawn sex scenes, there was a plot, but it wasn't super interesting and it didn't make me love the chars or root for them, but like I said--very nice sex scenes.
Ore To Joushi No Kakushikoto
Kiss Mo Dekinakatta
Spin off. Cute couple, just kind of an average yaoi plot, it was a nice breezy read. Some rando couple pops up in chap 5 though...
Kurui Naku no wa Boku no Ban Beta
Why did I sleep on this for so long? Once I finally figured out who the f the characters were, it was a very interesting story! Enjoyed the end, wish there had been more of the side couple though.
Ten Count
Tried, tried, tried to re-read, but just couldn't get into it.
Therapy Game
Amazing. Amazing! The sequel to this is great too.
Hidoku Shinaide