Yamete Kudasai, Koishii Desu.
I really liked this couple! This was a cute sequel, although, sometimes it was really hard to tell who was talking due to the placement of speech bubbles and some awkward translations.
Kyoushitsu no Yugami
Would like to see more, especially with that second student taking an interest.
Renai-rubi no Tadashii Furikata
I really loved reading this, almost more than the first one. I liked both couples.
Count H
Sequel to Count O. Pretty good, totally not interested in the second couple and I kinda felt like we were only getting glimpses of the major plot, but it was okay.
Jealousy (Scarlet Beriko)
Kedamono Arashi - Kiss Me Baby! -
Great sequel with a cute kid, I was hoping to see more interaction between the new doctor and that high-strung nurse, they would've been cute. Second story was not quite to my taste, but I enjoyed the uniform.
Netsuai Nante Ariemasen!