Saenai Oji-san to Ore-sama Yankee-kun
An Old Bottom wants to be loved -Obsessive sex with a younger doggy
eh it’s okay. the plot is like mad corny which i’m usually fine w but idk there’s just smth abt this one that i don’t really like. maybe it’s the art style or sumn but the sex scenes don’t rly hit like that. they’re kinda cute as a pairing but hmm.
Furimuite tsukamaete
kinda feel weird that he knew the younger brother since he was a kid but also at least the younger bro is only pursuing him as an adult so imma let it slide for now update: finished it thr beginning was so ass tbh bc of how the younger brother tried to force himself onto hinata while he was sleeping. it sucks bc they’re honestly cute, it’s just the beginning that stops this from being able to be good. i rate it a 3 but it could’ve gotten a 4 from me had the noncon parts not happened. noncon made the plot a 2.5 but the art bumped it up to a 3.
Undead Puppy
good art but weird as hell that the guy wanted to date his father figure. did not fuck with the plot. gets a 2 bc of the pretty art
Ice Man Webtoon