Haewon's manga / #Trauma(9)

Death Delayed for a Short Time Because of the Will

Ongoing | Shaolin | 2022 released

8: Mc profile almost got completely revealed 13: they realized what he wanted to do which is why they gave him their last wishes 15: wow they did good on depth of his experience n trauma 17: ahjussi ur belly is so right 18: ml sees mc eating pills 19: Mc dressed in combat wear while everyone else looks like they’re at a costume party 22: hmmm he seems like a snake 25: ahhahaha mc didn’t know about the contribution screen, ml gets mc to expose himself 29: summon that likes good ppl likes mc n ml best, mc asks to fight ml 32: Mc over ml shoulder 35: Mc realizing the bomb and using powers so ml doesn’t die by using his body to shield the bomb 44: Mc j like yeah I can’t fly why don’t I j change it to ground then 54: omg they’re each others ideal types 58: meeting officials, retelling great dungeon, our poor mc suffering for 300 years 59: AYOOOOO ml wearing watch that “helps prepare for the future through dreams” and it’s him having sex w mc 61: the way to the heart is through the stomach 62: HAHAHAH MC LYING OUTTA HIS ASS “ye i dreamed about my chick egg” 63: WE EATING GOOD 68

Guiding Hazard

Ongoing | Chungnyun,Sunsun | 2023 released

5: hm yeah mc snapped hehe 10: WOW WTF MC WAT A TREAT lol bro got a nosebleed n he grabbing cheeks YES 18: “I just came” was not expecting that 19: “you’re gonna do it no matter wat I say” “actually yeah” WOAHHHHHH WERE GETTING IT 24: SO THERE IS TRAUMA man I was really hoping 25: Mc scratching himself, I hope ML can put it all together 26: hehe hmmmm, ml giving bj 27: wow mc in handcuffs hi 31: nooo asshole found out mc gets horny as backlash 32: ah mc u lovely green flag I love u ur timing is always good 34: oooooooh 36: holy shit mc u r hot w those flowers, mc like hm his heartbeat got faster while ml blushing KYAAAAAA 37: they’re so cute, mc that’s not why…. 38: Nooooo I hate that bastard for giving mc trauma, ml caught liking mc 39: holy fuck, yeah they’d be p scary, u get separated and ur worst nightmare of falling to ur death and u see ur doppelgänger do j that 41: Mc realizing ml trauma is him jumping from roof, mc saw him the day it happened 44: damn mc me too, ml so pretty ty for the hug 45: i well color me damned silent

A Secret Romance Between Us

Ongoing | | 2022 released

8: ok but logically if mc is supposed to be a straight playboy who’s slept around a lot, why should he know or finger himself like logically?? 17: clenching up?? LIL BRO HUH???? 24: Oh ML U BEAUTIFUL HIMAN BEING he said don’t hit my bae yeaaaaaaassss 26: WERE DEEP DIVING IN GUYS bruh ML is such a green flag like idk someone said he was originally j in it for fun but I mean bros a really good actor if he still feels that way cuz I can’t blame mc for falling for him cuz IM FALLING FOR HIM GODDAMN

The Tosa's Master

Complete | Evy | 2022 released

The S-Class Guide as Sweet as Honey

Ongoing | Canips, Sua, Dalpi | 2000 released

2: fuuuuck mc ur so ez go read and manipulate 24: yeah I kinda agree, it’s giving mc doesn’t wanna go sexual but plot drives make ml(s) want to do it anyways 27: why do I want to punch ml, also that other guide like huh who u to assume mcs rank, j cuz they in a c rank guild 45: im j here for the fucking now, ml piece of shit

There Is No Place for Fakes

Ongoing | 오앤,Oaen,Logo | 2023 released

7: why do I feel like he’s not going to drink it, or that she can’t even go near him 16: their relationship has improved so much, he’s def attached also fiancé lowkey sees father as love rival???? I still want her to run, run very far 19: plan success, she gone 20: yo father so angry bruh, fiance asks if someone's collapsed and attendant reaction looks like someone has 21: he wants to kill the mom but he can’t cuz she looks too much like MC 22: hm is white hair her father’s apprentice and rexion (brown hair) MC father? 23: bruh the white hair is her father? Wait is he the same guy or…? 24: unanswered person? … she’s an experiment child, and the other guys are her half siblings, example of nature vs nurture, though Mc difference is nurture and prob reincarnation 25: so does father wanna kill her? MC got slapped wow… 26: fiancé meets MC, father (?) calling Mc back to tower 27: she tryna convince fiancé to keep her hidden 28.5: LOL emperor appeared and she straight up fainted 29: battle of the fathers incoming 30: sad, he wants her to stay as his daughter but she wants to leave, he even wanted to give her noble name, is real father gonna kidnap her? 31: pushy FL wanted to make her a maid instead of adoption first 32: ofc the cat is father? Brother? 33: father cat is cute 34: ah yeah heroine is a white lotus 35: bro the moms story seems like a whole novel itself, I wonder how her mum and her real fathers relationship ended up like, ok but the emperor is so handsome and when he blushes omg 37: ah so og FL has changed 39: ahhh she wants to frame her? 40: take Mc away from this evil place quick 42: hmmm he’s regretting how he used to act but I’m scared he’s gonna get charmed by og FL 47: this interaction is so funny 48: AHHHAHA the boot made it brothers business, he said to j ignore other ppls business but then the thug be like oops the boot flew 51: the family gathering is cute, AHAHAHAHAHAH his face is too good 53: her brother is her knight now 59: elinci ew, haha it’s not working out for her 65: awww emperor trying to heal relations, overheard that mc got hit muahahahaha revenge 69: awww cat father is too cute tho, it’s cheat code, he wrote happy bday mc in the sky 71: “i adore u” kyaaa 73: hahhhh the I like him too but I already told myself I wouldn’t greed so I’ll reject him and then ml crying and mc feels bad AGHHHHH FL I HATE U 74

Special Civil Servant

Ongoing | Kwon sora , seo jaewon , baesaem | 2022 released

13; wait… the guy I think is hot is the son of the one Mia likes… LOL 20: father knew about rakshasa, sent mc to fight it to get the ability, mc is basically a rakshasa 25

My Bias Gets on the Last Train

Ongoing | | 2022 released

Omg omg omg omg omg Mc is kinda cute but fl can j totally play him… 6

Flowers Are Bait

Ongoing | Dry Fish Girl,Godot | 2025 released

3: sis ur boobs are poppin, I thought he was gonna fuck her there 13: bro wanted to grab her boobs in the bath, me too man 14: I feel bad for him cuz he thinks he’s a pos waste human before but he was j a murderer…