Otodokemono Desu!
Shachou to Hisho, Ai no Shoumei
Arrested Man
Pg1-48) Arressted Man - Iori is the neighbourhood brother that used to teach Naoki and care Naoki from baby, more than one way, when prudently he disappeared for 7 years. Naoki track him and make him his prisoner to avenge for playing his heart. Pg52-83) When Yukina was a child, he got loss in a snowy mountain. At the brink of his death and almost loss conscious someone rescue him and promise to make Yukina as his wife when he turn 20. Too tired, he dismiss this as a dream. He come back to his hometown to celebrate his 20th birthday that will come soon, as he repair his family roof, he saw a man who have white hair, just like the man of his dream. Turn out to be he is the man that save him, Shiratori-san actually a snow demon Pg84-110) Night without motion- Akira and Koichi has been lover for a year, yet they have stop at kissing stage.Which leave Akira sad and puzzle,after all,it was Koichi who make the first move.Actually Koichi have a nudity problem,it because one day he was watching horror video has make him scare of seeing people in nude.So it up to Akira to cure him Pg113-142) Naive Gespenst- Wataru is worry, Hideto, his lover has go out to business trip and has not return back.When he wait at Hideto apartment, he woke up to a noise, Hideto back.But since then,Hideto has been strange,like wearing a thin shirt in middle of winter,rarely eat,going to place Wataru wants and stuff.Things lover do that they never did before and that makes Wataru worry.Actually,Hideto already dies on the way back from his business trip.He now a semi-zombie Pg146-169) Sigh's Temperature- Masumi, in his drunken stage call a host club service. His wife left him because he loss his leg in accident and he really want a friend to talk.Shutou Tadaki the host,feel sympathy for him and start to fall for Masumi,the next morning, he introduce himself as the caretaker since Masumi so wasted and forget what happen last night.Masumi,thinking he will burden Shutou with his love and afraid of being Sympathy's,he fired Shutou only to inquire his Wrath by kicking the new caretaker,who happen to be Masumi younger brother Pg171-195) Shisen no Katachi- Sachi is color blind since child, when Yuki know that,he always offer to walk hand in hand.Now as they grow up,he also hard to see object and thought that he was shakle Yuki, he determine to set Yuki free but in doing so,he injured himself that worry Yuki more Pg196-217) Body by Body- Sen has been going work for 2week,leaving Rou feeling lonely.He worry with whom Sen living and met that he cut his finger.While masturbation,Sen returned comfort him and make him feel love again
Marude Hajimete No Koi Mitai Ni