Elli_Wate's manga / #time travel(5)

The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass

Ongoing | 산소비 | 2019 released

This was a kind of cute story at first, so it’s basically the leading lady is the daughter of this escort and her mom ends up marrying a nobleman. In doing so she gains a stepfather and two step siblings. She is I want to say one year older than her stepsister and she was never really taught how to be a noble lady so she hast to like go through all this training. But in her first life She is not good at it and she ends up being just a pretty face who spends money lavishly and wears all of these ridiculous clothes looking real foolish. And she has a bad temper is not well liked and ends up dying. she was framed for poisoning, her stepsister and ends up the villain of the story. She transports back in time and realizes that the only reason she was the villain is because her stepsister had tricked her all throughout her life and she’s gonna get revenge on her, stepsister, her stepbrother and her stepfather so she is rewarded with this hourglass that allows her to go back. I want to say about 5 to 10 minutes into the past. So she becomes a very classy lady who is good at everything very business savvy super amazing in the social world and is just in the know of things. She catches the eye of the prince who becomes the lead man of course, and gets revenge on her family. Her stepsister ends up, becoming a maid her stepfather ends up becoming a cripple, and I can’t remember, but I’m pretty sure her stepbrother ends up passing if I’m not mistaken. She turned out to be the daughter of a Noble of a different country and so then she leaves her step family with her mom and her mom remarry, and the guy that she marries is the leading ladies birth, father, she end up with this return so for some reason, it stopped kind of making sense because the leaning ladies sees little girl who clearly is her child but she isn’t really getting that and she is now up into the day and she doesn’t understand that that’s her child because that’s her child from the future future and the child just keep saying that she should never have been born. Come to find out the child is twin and the other twin comes back into the past as well and they are trying to figure out how to save their mom. So in the future, the leading lady ends up getting super super sick because she has her kids, and they’re like how can we save her mom? They figure it out. She ends up having the kids everybody’s happy everybody safe happily ever after the end. My problem is is that we didn’t need all of that y’all could’ve just showed us them with their kids and the story would’ve ended, but now they added on like 20 extra chapters for no reason .

Marry My Husband

Complete | 성소작, LICO | 2000 released

I started this and then I stopped. But then I wanted to watch the K drama adaptation of it so I restarted it. But basically it’s about this girl who has cancer and she is lying in a hospital waiting for her friend to come or her husband, but her husband hasn’t visited her at all and she ends up getting in the car, go home. Her husband hasn’t been paying their hospital bills so they kick her out and she gets in this taxi and this man is basically talking to her telling her know about life and everything and gives her a dollar or something like that and she gets out of the taxi. But for some reason, she can’t remember the taxi drivers face she gets up into her house only to find out that her best friend is sleeping with her husband, and they are going to take the insurance money from her death to pay for their lifestyle . So rightfully so she gets upset and she confronts them. She gets into a little tiff with them and her husband ends up, pushing her into a glass table and she passes away. But in doing so she transports into the past 10 years ago. And this is before she ends up, marrying her trashcan husband and right now she’s just working with him and her friend at this company. So the entire time she is trying to push her friend to like her husband, which her friend already likes her husband just because she likes her husband, but yeah. So she’s trying to push her friend into a relationship with her husband, well, it’s her boyfriend at that time. She gets them together and in doing so she gets some actually really good friends. So the leaning man also ends up being transported back 10 years because he was in love with the leading lady the entire time. Of course he just never said anything, and his sister ends up being her friend. The leading lady also becomes friends with, some workers at their job and it’s basically her trying to change her feet while also getting revenge on her ex best friend and her boyfriend/husband. Then she ends up getting into a relationship with the leading man of course, and come to find out the leading man is the Owner of the company grandson so then she ends up having a rich boyfriend and living a better life than her best friend and the best friend gets upset and tries to kill her, but it doesn’t work out so best friend ends up going to prison and the boyfriend ends up in a car crash. And she ends up with kids super happy.

Kill the Villainess

Complete | Haegi,Your april | 2021 released

This was such an annoying book. I didn’t really like anyone. The main couple with the leading lady and her night were kind of cute but, other than that, I didn’t like the second lead, the third lead, the kind of sort of lead. I didn’t like the leading lady in the book I didn’t like the witch that helped her the only people I also liked were, the lead man’s little sister and the old leading lady’s maid. This was such an annoying book. I couldn’t stand any of the characters, especially the leading lady and I felt like it was so much back-and-forth for nothing. Especially with the whole drama with her dad and the king and queen. It was just so stupid and I only read it because I wanted to finish it but I would’ve stopped reading it probably on episode 20 so…

Marriage of Convenience

Ongoing | Ken | 2019 released

It was cute but it dragged a little. The couple falling in love was also a little abrupt. Of course all these men fell for ole girl for no apparent reason. Also some of the plot point were either rushed or unfinished at the end. But yeah it’s ok

The Abandoned Empress

Complete | Ina, yuna | 2000 released

This was such a long book. I started reading the book a while ago and then I stopped and then I restarted it and then I stopped and I finally finally finished it. I kind of liked the book at the beginning. It was a little confusing, but once we got the stride, I was like I like this book. I remember not liking it around the part where Alan started acting a little raggedy so I had stopped. I wanted to stop both of the former times around that part. But this time I pushed through and I finished the book. I was a little disappointed with some of the plots. I felt like they were just kind of thrown together and some of the people weren’t as important as they were made to seem. That or some of the people were important and then they just like disappeared all of a sudden so, yeah. But as far as the ending, it was kind of drawn out. Which is weird to say because the plot towards the end was so confusing. Granted I was kind of skipping some parts, but it was just like descriptive scenery things that really didn’t need to be read. It was when they started introducing all of these new aristocrats and all of the stuff I just started getting confused and I was like who is this and who’s that and I was like I don’t even know who is involved anymore. The point of the matter is is that it really could’ve ended, but it was also so thrown together. I think that the writers genuinely stopped understanding what was going on. They were drawing out so much. The writers got confused and I was like me too. So yeah, but it was a cute little book. As far as the leading couple- I am going to say that the leading lady and the leading man kept having the same conversation about her wanting to get married or her wanting to be the heir of her household, and that was annoying. But other than that, I liked most of the characters and I don’t think I would read it again, but I’m happy that I finished it.