Elli_Wate's manga / #Royalty/Nobility(16)

The Abandoned Empress

Complete | Ina, yuna | 2000 released

This was such a long book. I started reading the book a while ago and then I stopped and then I restarted it and then I stopped and I finally finally finished it. I kind of liked the book at the beginning. It was a little confusing, but once we got the stride, I was like I like this book. I remember not liking it around the part where Alan started acting a little raggedy so I had stopped. I wanted to stop both of the former times around that part. But this time I pushed through and I finished the book. I was a little disappointed with some of the plots. I felt like they were just kind of thrown together and some of the people weren’t as important as they were made to seem. That or some of the people were important and then they just like disappeared all of a sudden so, yeah. But as far as the ending, it was kind of drawn out. Which is weird to say because the plot towards the end was so confusing. Granted I was kind of skipping some parts, but it was just like descriptive scenery things that really didn’t need to be read. It was when they started introducing all of these new aristocrats and all of the stuff I just started getting confused and I was like who is this and who’s that and I was like I don’t even know who is involved anymore. The point of the matter is is that it really could’ve ended, but it was also so thrown together. I think that the writers genuinely stopped understanding what was going on. They were drawing out so much. The writers got confused and I was like me too. So yeah, but it was a cute little book. As far as the leading couple- I am going to say that the leading lady and the leading man kept having the same conversation about her wanting to get married or her wanting to be the heir of her household, and that was annoying. But other than that, I liked most of the characters and I don’t think I would read it again, but I’m happy that I finished it.

The Duchess' Lewd Invitation

Ongoing | Goyo,Joosang,Jusang | 2000 released

I ended up reading this twice because I thought I hadn’t read the first time but yes I had or I thought I hadn’t finished it the first time. So it’s basically about this girl who gets into an arrange marriage with the prince/Duke of the country and her dad had arrange the marriage for her, but the leading man hates her because he hates her dad. so in an effort to get rid of her, he tries to divorce her, and because she won’t divorce him, he starts cutting off her food and money supplies very much, so an active war. To help out her made who is the only person left in her palace or her wing or whatever, she decides to sign the divorce as long as she can have an affair until the divorce is finalized. The man is like fine. You can sleep with somebody. She’s like cool. So she signs the papers they get the money. She’s super happy because she wants to experience somewhat of an affair of love before she gets again because she’s from or whatever women are sold as property and she knows that her dad‘s gonna sell her as soon as she gets back to, her house. So before her next marriage, where she may not be so lucky, she ends up sleeping with his gigolo and having a grand old time come to find out the gigolo is her husband who just wears a mask. So she doesn’t know that it’s him, but he obviously knows that it’s her and he’s having a grand old time seeing her reactions and stuff and she’s like I don’t care who it is as long as I get to sleep with them if they’ve got what I need then I’m gonna go where I need to get it. But for some reason, it’s starting to feel very possessive and is like Anna. You should only sleep with the one Cho or whatever. She moves out of the house and end up going to a smaller house or something like that is having the time of her life with her gigolo/husband and she finds out that it’s her husband. So then she sleeps with him one last time reveals that she knew that it was him and then she just disappears . Oh also, she had gotten sick in between that time and her dad had came to get her because the divorce was finalized but because she was so sick he was like this is so annoying. She’s gonna die whatever I’ll get her body when she dies and that’ll be that. But she doesn’t end up dying, obviously of course, and she runs away Because now she is no longer married to the man and she doesn’t wanna go back home. She stays at the second leading man’s house. And then at the second man’s sister wedding, the man comes and proposes to her and end up getting married again and having a baby. I mean, it wasn’t really good, but I really did like how the lean man was really down bad for her. I mean, that was just so adorable. However, he was kind of trash. Also, the art style I hated it. I don’t know why, but I just did. And I really did not like the second man he was like probably one of the worst parts of the entire book but yeah. But I did like the leaning man guard or something like that. He was super cute him and his wife I loved them and I like the leading ladies, but yeah. I don’t know. It was very much so a mid book.

The Reason Why Raeliana Ended up at the Duke's Mansion

Complete | Milcha,Golae | 2000 released

This was a really cute book. I will give a description so it was like basically she was in South Korea and then she transmigrated into a book that she had read while waiting for her college entrance exam acceptance letter and then she finds out that she’s going to be killed by her fiancé so she decides to change her fate because she knows how the book goes. She ends up getting into a contract relationship with the leading man of the book who is the Duke and they just fall in love. It’s very cliché and everything, but I still liked it and I like the ending. They had a little girl and yeah, that was it.

The Monster Duchess and Contract Princess

Ongoing | Rialan,Minjack | 2019 released
2024-08-04 21:52 marked

I finally finished it. When I say finally, I mean this took so long. The book kind of actually ended at chapter 120 or something like that but they had little side stories for the next like 30 chapters. But I finally finished it and I am so happy. The book was OK. I started it before, but it was still being written so I started and stopped a couple of times before actually even finishing it. It’s basically a revenge story. One thing that I didn’t quite understand is how she had so much power and yet she never really used it. I just felt like she should’ve used her power in fighting situations a lot more than showed because it seemed that she was actually a lot more weak willed than she was, and she was just pretending to be strong. Or like they were trying to create her to be a strong female character, but I never believed it. Either way her family was kind of trash and I was actually a little bit sad that her mom ended up dying although her mom was trying to kill her. She kind of turned it around and was trying to help her in the end but she still ended up dying. I was like, but I mean she wasn’t really trying to help her. She was more so helping herself so yes and no. But I felt like they paste it very oddly. The whole thing with the Empress Stanger I guessed it immediately and I was like OK let’s just see how this plays out. But honestly, I felt that led up to this whole big crescendo this climax that really was anti-climactic. So the whole thing is basically like she hast to become the Arabella so that she can stop this disease from spreading and that literally starts at I want to say the beginning of the book , it’s like right when she makes her contract with the Duke. But they never express her a version to being a contract kid or even going to them addressing the contract after it’s made. I was thinking that we were going to have a little bit more along the lines of your our real daughter and we care about you. We don’t want the contract anymore. We just want you kind of conversations. But instead, they kind of just welcomed her and she had one or two other fleeting moments where she was like well I’m just a contract kid and then they never addressed it. She was like I’m just part of the family And I’m like what like we never got over that. And we also had a moment where she was like. I’m scared of fire and all of this but they kind of tried to bring it back with stones and I was like no no she’s not afraid of fire stones that was the whole point of the stone was that there was no fire in the house so she wasn’t afraid of fire stones but OK . Another thing they had addressed was the whole situation with the mom being betrayed. We don’t know how she got betrayed and how she got this car on her face. I thought they were gonna explain it in the extras, but they never did she just got betrayed that’s it that’s what they said and I was like OK whatever I don’t really care but I thought they would’ve explained it instead they explained how the parents met and how the dad got his scar but OK. so anyways back to the plot, it was kind of like how she was introduced to the family. The oldest brother Rielee took her and the younger brother was a little bit more weary of her and took some time to warm up then she goes and has all of these little side Things that go into how she becomes the Arabella and I’m like OK whatever I don’t really care and she becomes Arabella and now we’re just literally filling in time so that we can get to the point where she hast to fulfill her duties. At this time we realize that or at least I did that they needed to create romance and I was like I’m not feeling it. I really felt that the man liking her just came out of nowhere. I know it was supposed to be like oh you know I’ve like her for so long. I’ve been her friend for so long and this and the third, but it really came out of nowhere and he was over here like she reminds me of my little brother . Chemistry like they were fine, but I was like she she could’ve had somebody else or he could’ve been with somebody else I really wouldn’t of cared. To climax, so the whole thing with the temple was actually a pretty good fight scene except like she got tricked by them two kids, and I was like how you get tricked by it but go off . And then it just didn’t make a lot of sense and I was like I do not care and then the whole fight scene. Now the fight scene was in different places because the mom was fighting the Empress, the dad was fighting her old dad, she was also fighting her dad and plus the assassins and then her brother was fighting the assassins and was helping the mom , the other brother was helping mom and then I don’t know why but all of a sudden now they’re attacking the Dukes house and the leading man kind of sort of arrested his daddy and then he was going and fighting and I don’t even like he was he was everywhere he was helping the mom and then he was helping her and I was like, bro where are you , and that whole situation was just so confusing, annoying because it was like built up to be like this huge fight. It was so good but it wasn’t. And I want to say mostly it’s because the dumb king. so the king was like oh my gosh no my son is my son blah blah blah and I’m like who cares that boy is not your son. You may have thought he was your son all these years but he’s not your biological son OK and he is your stepmother son who she’s trying to Make the king and he’s cool with that so he was gonna use syrup the throne and like no offense, but you knew that your brother also had betrayed you you’re stupid. He was just letting anybody and everybody get away with everything and then they want to be like oh yeah he didn’t let anybody off when they found no no. Mr. teddy bear was just trying to look hard, but he was really reeling. He he was not a good king and he really did a disservice to the people of that kingdom. I felt that they deserved better and he would have led them Into despair he would have. But he was like oh we needed time of peace and pieces but we needed time of peace with the competent king and he was not. He was way too nice and way too weak willed as well. So anyways, the wife would’ve better better than him , but yeah, so all of that and then we end with her sucking up the virus or the plague or whatever and then we go into the side stories and I’m like you know what as a matter of fact I couldn’t care less about this dumb book anymore, it was around the time where she went to the temple that I was like yeah I don’t wanna read this anymore and I just like kept reading and it was I had to push I had to push, but yeah So I don’t think I would ever read this again. It was the first time and that’ll be good enough for me.

A Most Consummate Night

Complete | Sora | 2022 released

Was super cute. The moon goddess helped the two consummate their marriage. They were super adorable but I wish there was more of the story

Crows like Shiny Things

Ongoing | Mr.C,Mijoo | 2000 released

So this book basically starts out with the leading lady who is a knight. She ends up ending a war that’s been taking place for like I wanna say like 37 years or something like that. So there’s all of these rumors surrounding her as the captain of the 12th order and everybody thinks she’s a man. But she ends up meeting the crown prince on the way to the palace because the emperor is like “I wanna meet the captain of the 12th order”. So he has an immediate attraction to her but he’s like your classic playboy prince who’s rude, obnoxious, really full of himself, and is not a good person. So he realizes that she’s super super loyal. Her loyalty goes beyond what he thinks and he really notices that after he takes her to the ball. So at the ball everybody’s like oh my gosh she’s so pretty. I wanna dance with her blah blah blah and he ends up sleeping with her that night out of jealousy and possessiveness. The next day his brother is like oh she can’t really be a knight or the captain of the 12th order and he raises his sword at her and she doesn’t pull her sword out. So the crown prince ends up taking the hit for her (even though she was gonna avoid it) and he gets upset. This is when they have their first of many of the same fights. He was like “oh if he would asked you to do something risqué you would’ve listened to him anyways?” and so then he asked her to do something risqué and she listened to him because of her loyalty. And then he’s like I don’t wanna see you anymore. So she starts avoiding him because he asked her to. And this is when she meets her adoptive parents and swiftly moves out of his palace into her adoptive parents’ home. Then he realizes that he needs to be near her. After sleeping with her the one time he’s never been able to sleep the same. So come to find out he would work really hard and then on the brink of almost exhaustion he would sleep with a girl and then he would be able to go to sleep because he had really bad insomnia. But after being with her, he didn’t have to work really hard or sleep with anybody, he could just go to sleep. His insomnia was cured by her but only if he’s near her or sees her or something like that. So he goes crazy and is destroying rooms and threatening people and all of the stuff just because she’s avoiding her and he can’t see her. Then in a stroke of genius, he realizes that he’s in love with her so he starts to treat her like — I don’t know — a human being and nice. So he starts dressing up nice and trying to appease her so that she will want to stay with him. But in her mind she’s like oh he’s just the Playboy (which he is) and at some point his affection is gonna run out and he’s gonna go onto the next girl. But either way they have this ongoing annoying misunderstanding where he’s like “oh she’ll never wanna be with me for me. She’s just doing this out of loyalty because I’m the crown prince. She could have anybody she wanted and she wouldn’t choose me. I’m just not good enough for her” blah blah blah. And she has a similar type of thing where she’s like “He’s gonna get tired of me at some point and go to somebody else so she’s like I don’t wanna give him my love and then be devastated”. Then come find out his younger brother ends up trying to stage a coup so they go to war. The brother and a lot of people think that the crown prince is actually the emperor’s brother son when he is actually the emperor son so he does have his right to the throne. She ends up pregnant (more like he purposefully got her pregnant). They finish the war but she ends up dying by the trashcan dumpster second leading man, and then the Crown prince tries to take his own life, but they stop him and she ends up coming back to life… whatever. They get married they have a baby that’s the end of the story. And all of the stuff in the middle is a literally them just dealing with their relationship and then just random people fighting. The only good thing about this book was the emperor and her adoptive parents like when I tell you they made the book. I also did like the dressmaker and the princess. Overall, the book was more of a tedious read and I’m just glad that I’m done. I don’t think I would read it again. Side note: I know that the LL is supposed to be a really good knight but it’s not really believable. Like she’s so small and skinny but she can run as fast as a horse and she’s stronger than most of the other knights... I’m not believing it but that’s OK.