Barbarian Quest
Eng (100 Love the 20 first chapter, it's well written and the mc learn and think. He doesn't judge and don't care about origins. The dead are surprising vur It makes it feel really real. Around 50-60ch he said to the prince where hé is from and his new sword master is aware too because of that guy who killed his superior arrggg so frustrating I don't want the west to become conquered like the North T-T hope everything goes well ! Love to see how he likes to learn from other, is adapting without forgetting his roots and wants to see the words. 66 - I was not to see bakman dye... I thought he would get better, I'm crying so much. I loved this guy sob everything is so real, the reaction, the one thing that makes it his last moments and the revenge on the guy that betrayed the mercenary group. 89 - triste que sa propre sœur soit derrière ça... elle à quand même essayé de tuer son propre frère. 100 - he finished to visit the North really fast and Urich sent sven to the hills of warrior... now heading to the south. Original point: Interesting talk of religion all the story (beliving in the sun and then not anymore ect for x reason), seeing the development is interesting !
Vinland Saga