1kgpotatoes's manga / #Work(1)

Blue! Blue! Blue!

Complete | Amamiya | 2000 released
2020-12-30 08:08 marked

When Takiya Kippei, the brother of two older sisters, realises that he desperately needs money to buy a birthday present for his lover (that mf cheater), he decides to live and work onsite at a ryokan (a traditional japanese inn). There, he meets the well-educated Honjou Masumi, a man who is neither too strict nor too lenient, and who has a charm which embodies the word mature. This is the first time I've met someone like Honjou-san - as Takiya continues working at the ryokan, he starts to become interested in Honjou. Extra: http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/blue_blue_blue_dj_after_story/