Waterside Night
There’s story development woohooo! I hate the premise (Uke paying debt for scum father to loan shark Seme), but I’ll have to say that this is the lesser devil of all the bunch. Seme realizes he’s a piece of shit on ch.50. Uke is not fully in Stockholm syndrome. He knows he’s getting attached, but he’s still in the reality. The art is sexy as too.
At first I didn’t like Seme cuz he’s an ass, but the story only gets better! It’s actually really realistic and deep. Bittersweet it tighten my heart so many times. Now I love all the charactersss
Boss Bitch Baby
Lives up to the name. Uke is such a boss, a bitch, and a baby XDD the relationship dynamic is interesting. It’s unfair, but Seme is such a love fool. Uke is so rude and mean, but you just couldn’t get angry. I got teary quite a few times, even side story Omegaverse AU got me quite a bit.
Kimi no Yume o Mite Iru
Fkkkk. I was reading this expecting some cute and chill story, but this story is so beautiful and interesting and great plot and and and I criedddddd so much. I love it! (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) can’t we have extras?!
The World Without You
I thought ML is a deep red flag, but he’s just a yellow flag with issues. I’m liking this more than I thought, art is pretty too