Gochisousama ga Kikoenai!
Kedamono Arashi
Story can be a little cliche, but the art is pretty. More like slice of life Kedamono Arashi 2. Kedamono Arashi - Kiss Me Baby! - 3. Kedamono Arashi - Hug Me Baby! - 4. Kedamono Arashi - Hold Me Baby! - 5. Kedamono Arashi - Touch Me Baby! - 6. Kedamono Arashi - Love Me Baby! - 7. Kedamono Arashi - Bind Me Baby! -
The Uninvited Guest On My Shoulder
What's with this strange dream?!
Loveeee it! Love their chemistry, the plot, and there’s sooooo many sexy fantasies! I wish the story is longer though. Uke is such a cutie tsun cat, Seme is foxy puppy
Salty & Sweet
Bakana Inuhodo Itooshii
Nice smut plot. It gives old school vibe. I’m liking their chemistry. It’s not as smutty, but more plot oriented than I thought
Look Through You
While the story didn’t have much going on or plot twist, but the art is damn niceee. Very sexy
Can't get Caught! XXX